TankieDukakis [none/use name]

  • 78 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • True! And my district is 60%+ at risk and rising.

    Why the fuck would you care about my class if mom and dad are fighting/divorcing or you don't have food or you have to walk to school in -30 wind-chill because your school won't delay?

    I wouldn't. I don't know what the answer is, I just know it's fucked and becoming more fucked.

  • Expect things to get a lot worse.

    I teach HS. Zero comprehension skills. Either can't or won't read or follow basic directions. My gradebook looks like a shitty battleship game with all the red missing assignments.

    And I teach agriculture and mostly give participation and completion points. They just don't do anything.

    Coupled with a teacher shortage and mass resignations due to pay stagnation and more and more being asked of teachers. Oh and like COVID making every teacher sick all the time.

    Fun times in the school system.

  • I live in Iowa. You'd think after yearly snows that measure into the fucktons they'd have figured out a better way to clear roads more quickly. Add on the fact that chuds in their comically large trucks forget how to drive in any amount of ice/snow every year and almost kill someone stopping at a stop sign.

    But you know Iowa is a majority black state so it's their fault.