I’ve taught mathematics at community colleges for over 20 years and I’m absolutely convinced that not all people can learn algebra or calculus.

It's obviously genetic, says the mathemetician.

I tried once to ask reddit's Anthropologists about what cultural artifacts are affected by genetics e.g. how lactose intolerance can affect a local culture. The question was apparently racist and then taken down.

I once asked an obvious lead in to a racist argument and was called a racist. It must be a conspiracy.

[Generic pontificating on the nature of society from the fount of the infinite wisdom of my anus] (it's multiple comment threads, and the free square on your HN bingo card)

You write web servers that need more boxes and serve less traffic than was standard 10 years ago. Why would anyone listen to you on any topic.

  • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
    3 years ago

    People who are nerds for venture capitalism should not be called "hackers".

    Even OGOG "hacker" was a very anti-establishment type movement of reusing and making use of things for other purposes. Then Hacker being made to equate to "Cracker" is still very much not like what these dorks are.

    Hackers are guys like Geohotz, who gets kicked out of college freshman year for cracking the card swipe systems, taunts sony and apple, gets a job at google and quits, then says "fuck it i'm gonna make a self driving car" and does it, using a phone and 3d printed mounts to make systems about as good as the vaporware teslas.

    man fuuuck HN.