Kojima, man
That's the thing I hate about meme/ironic culture. Really emotionally stirring moments in media just get meme'ed into oblivion, and it's a real shame. Less than ideal politics and optics aside, Quiet's "breathing" through her skin is an awful scifi/anime reason to justify her skimpy outfit. I'm saying this as a dude who likes skimpy outfits on super hot women (within proper context), it's just a poorly thought out character concept no matter how hot she is.
All that mentioned, MGSV has some well-earned and well executed emotional beats, both on an interactive media level and cinematic one. It's just kinda lame they just get turned into meme fodder. It's across all media too, irony poisoning is wack
Hey, he accidentally managed to do a genius postmodernism while knowing jack shit about it with MGS2. Land of contrasts
A weee babe! I remember playing the MGS1 demo a billion times on my PS1 when I was somewhere around that age. It’s kinda hard to get past the simplicity of everything compared to later games so it’s not surprising you didn’t play it. Course, I had no other options so that made it easy.
I will mock metal gear and Kojima endlessly now but playing that first game and especially 2 as a kid are absolutely responsible for me being a communist now.
As a counterpoint, I was a libertarian for a very long time even while playing 1 through 3. I’m not very smart though.
huge soviet military installations in the game and fultoning these highly trained soldiers
That's not really the vibe I get from their depiction of the Soviets. Ignoring OKB Zero, which isn't really Soviet, the biggest military installation there is a base with three concrete hangars, one of which is caved in. It's not exactly Bagram Airfield over here.
And I'm not entirely sure how the soldiers skills work, but I'm pretty sure I find higher skill soldiers in Africa than Afghanistan.
It's based on your general progress/online bullshit, don't think the location should make a difference.
I like that there is no question about Diamond Dogs being the good guys. Kaz and Ocelot constantly talk about intentionally aggravating the situations in Afghanistan and Zaire to make more money. No ideological commitment at all except for money and robot tech. In Peace Walker Big Boss helped make Nicaragua socialist, in V none of them seem to have ever cared about that and are more focused on revenge for getting their platform blown up.
In Peace Walker Big Boss helped make Nicaragua socialist
Yeah but he was doing it to date a teenage girl :cringe:
MSF's logo is black and yellow for a reason, I think.
They could have gone further with that and should have. Big Boss is a fucking monster by the time MG1 and 2 came around and they didn't show it. I know it's a different guy but that just adds to the issue. No one played the MSX games and MGS3 and 4 made Big Boss out to be more heroic than he should be seen as by most players. The story was done by 3 and 4 should have never happened but I liked Peace Walker as a game on its own but also showing a slow descent into the big boss of Zanzibar Land, MGSV should have been like Ground Zeroes the whole way through. If hinted at atrocities were followed through on and it was the real big boss doing it, it would make for a better game both in canon and as an allegory. Huey was fucking right to sell them out to the UN, a totally non aligned nuclear equipped PMC is Warhawk ancapistan and just no good for anyone. The game never stopped glorifying it. Also no meeting Gray Fox or anything with Sniper Wolf , instead he tied in Volgin and Psycho Mantis instead of people who actually met Big Boss during that time. It was a total waste of story potential, the gameplay was okay but got old really fast.
The trailers leading up to that game made it seem like it was gonna be Apocalypse Now! The game and far from delivered. MGS4 also seemed pretty cool before coming out but Kojima hadn't fucked up yet until then. Peace Walker was pretty cool. The should have just soft rebooted the series after 3. Have a Solid Snake infiltrate an Outer Heaven and have a Big Boss and Metal Gear but go somewhere else with it
Kojima basically told us he'd do nothing of the sort when he sent Old Snake back to Shadow Moses.
Yeah he's a land of contrasts. Honestly I'm torn between Quiet being a kind of sexist stereotype/gratuitous eye candy and a meta commentary/parody of the same.
It's the first with the second as an excuse. Kojima isn't subtle.
He definitely isn't - though I found that ogling Eva in MGS3 being an optional/interactive part of a few cutscenes sorta... Well done in that sense? I mean it kinda puts the objectification more on the player. But yeah overall not great on writing women in his games even if it's an attempt at getting meta with it.
I gotta agree that he pulled it off well with EVA but it's also because of the game being somewhat of a Bond character. In the 1960s Bond movie Connery rapes lesbians into heterosexuality, uses them as human shields and if they're an enemy spy trying to seduce him he's one step ahead. Snake and EVAs relationship totally subverts that, Snake is an awkward simp who stares at her tits while totally getting honeypotted and played by her every step along the way and is only left alive at the end of the game because she chose to not kill him, mostly due to their mutual connection with The Boss. It was the influence of another woman that caused her to spare him, not feels. Like she says, it was Eve who ended out tempting the snake. Kojima was smarter then.
MGSV is a bit of a mess
I think you misspelled "MGSV is the greatest video game of all time."
I wouldn't even disagree that there's messy aspects to it, it's just that as a whole package I think MGSV is one of a very small number of AAA games that actually delivers on its size and budget. Top tier gameplay, story, characters, graphics, sounds - there are games that are better in one or two of those aspects than MGSV, but none that deliver so highly across the entire spectrum of what a video game is, which is why it's my GOAT.
Most games have a conclusion to the story, at least. Within the MGS franchise I think #2 is unrivaled and timeless.
I appreciate MGS2's story, but every time I've tried to play either it or MGS1 I've gotten pissed off and quit because of how much I hate the controls.
Yeah I can appreciate that, but I first played MGS2 when I was a kid so I'm more than used to it.
2 for story, 3 for gameplay. Those games are absolute god kings among games. MGS2 has great gameplay too but it's in the VR missions. I have very fond memories of passing a big bottle of whisky back and forth with a roomate taking turns trying to A rank every one of them.
I was having a blast right up until the end forced you to replay the extra extra extra long and boring opening sequence AGAIN, just as slowly and STILL with the fucking credits over it.
Vis abit of amess butKaz's "Why are we still we here? Just to suffer?" speechis legitimately great and movingi would argue that mgsv is probably the best mgs in pure gameplay like it feels great to control snake in a scale that did not happen before even even though they are all really good on this in specific it just blows everything out of water which always makes me think how it could have been if kojima and konami were not already at war while it was being developed
I wish the old Snake Soup forum was still around. Another poster who spoke Japanese and painstaking went through the localization differences in the games and I managed to interview Jeremy Blaustein who localized MGS1 and how he went about it and had a big giant thread about how subsequent games were much more literally translated, which I think shows big time, and it was probably cause of Kojima despite the fact that he didn't really speak English at the time.
Unequivocally one of the best anti-war games out there. A true masterpiece that has far more depth than it lets on at face value