Seventeen hundred dollars.

Death to America.

Edit - I was able to resolve it through this site: . You probably have to call the number if you're in a situation like mine (wrong state, etc.), but you will get the drug for free, after consenting to waive all of your privacy rights and allow them to send you billions of text messages. It's all bullshit and I hate Pfizer and I hope they die painfully, but at least I can get my meds.

  • Wertheimer [any]
    7 months ago

    I have Medicaid but I'm in the wrong state for the holidays.

  • sovietknuckles [they/them]
    7 months ago

    2 other things you can do to reduce the viral load of COVID while you are sick with it, which decreases the severity/lowers your risk of long COVID:

    • Use a mouthwash containing .07% CPC (like for example) twice a day while you are sick [1]

    • Use Covixyl (active ingredient ELAH/ethyl lauroyl arginine hydrochloride, deemed generally safe by the FDA) nasal spray or Betadine cold defence nasal spray (active ingredient iota-carrageenan) 3x per day [2]. Important: Do not use a povidone-iodine nasal spray, that can be harmful and the FDA bans those.


    [1] Efficacy of CPC mouthwash for decreasing the viral load of COVID:

    [2] Efficacy of using a nasal spray while you have COVID to decrease the severity and make you get better faster:


    Although Paxlovid is the first/most important thing to do to decrease your likelihood of long COVID, using CPC mouthwash and nasal sprays while you have COVID is a good idea to do regardless, with or without Paxlovid.

    • crime [she/her, any]
      7 months ago
      • Cannabis consumption also leads to better outcomes, though you prob want to frontload that before you get sick and ideally stick with edibles, while sick since fucking up your lung surfaces is not a great idea.

      Anecdotally (n=1) when I had covid recently and experimented on myself, after taking full-spectrum cannabis oil, the indicator line on my home test was substantially thinner (indicating less viral load) and was darker a few days later with no additional cannabis in between.

      Obviously just stoner bro science at this point, but there've been a handful of studies about how various cannabinoids inhibit covid cellular entry.

    • TheModerateTankie [any]
      7 months ago

      We have to lock medical care behind an expensive labryinth of bullshit because... free market efficiency.

  • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
    7 months ago

    Walgreens says you can get it from a pharmacist. It's a $45 fee to see the pharmacist and get assessed but the paxlovid is supposed to be free after that.

    Here's where to find more pharmacies that do this:

  • nothx [any]
    7 months ago

    Good to hear you were able to get that sorted. Still sucks tho, fucking this countries medical system so hard.

    Also, beware of the rebound. I’ve heard from a couple people that you can end up testing positive again after finishing paxlovid. As with any medication, finish the whole round to be safe, but still beware.

    Good luck!