• Doom_Paul [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The sub is now mostly a confused mixture of social democracy and libertarianism. A lot of Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iverson, Matt Taibbi, Michael Tracy, Thomas Frank, Jimmy Dore, and Whitney Webb. Many of them can be generally anti-imperialist and will correctly call out the Russiagate shit, but then fall for neo-Cold War anti-China propaganda like the right-wing lab leak conspiracy theory. They seem to all take the naïve libertarian position on pandemic control policy that advocates essentially having the government doing nothing and hoping individuals will all be responsible enough. A lot of free speech absolutism.

    Its moderation is very weak and it gets brigaded frequently. Head moderator is a weird Ivermectin fanatic. You’ll see socialist content regularly getting upvotes, but then there’s also an influx of right-wing/right-libertarian articles on the pandemic getting upvotes as well.