Elon Musk is the subsidy king

I hate this country's people with a passion

  • Zoift [he/him]
    3 years ago

    the disposable-rocket era

    I also fear this too, is here to stay. Tesla's done some nice work blowing the dust off granpap's test models, and getting really nice results on a concept we should have perfected 60 years ago, but you'll forgive me if I yawn a bit.

    Like fuuuuck. We could have had ground-laser propulsion stations and rotovators and Verne guns. Refurbing the first stage of an explosive beercan tower is just disappointing for me I guess. We've done this. It sucks. Shit, we can't even get a NTR approved for a Mars-transfer orbit.

    Just give me one measly little Orion launch. You could lift so many goddamn bootstraps into orbit...

    EDIT: I got kind of rambly there, guess I'm trying to say as long as our idea of a "heavy lift" vehicle is a ~100 ton payload, we're already ceding everything outside HEO.