• Reversi [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I was wondering when the "how suspicious" line would come out, see my other post in this thread


    So assuming I'm doing this right, based on there being about out million fanfics on there, ticking the boxes, doing some division... looks like 2.4% of those stories have the underage warning, and it becomes... 1.1% when filtered for 'explicit'

    ... So that's obviously not good by any measure, but I'll be honest, you made it sound pretty fucking bad when that seems... normal by Internet standards? Though Internet standards are depraved in themselves, so

    Maybe you know some shit about this I don't

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      3 years ago

      1.1% when filtered for ‘explicit’

      Unpopular opinion: any amount of explicit content featuring underaged characters is too much.

    • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
      3 years ago

      The point is that this is not against AO3's rules and is in fact supported. It's not like these stories are hidden, this is what the site is for. They're not going to remove these stories because they want these stories on their site.

      • Reversi [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        I see what you mean

        That said, reconsider passively accusing a poster of being a pedophile over... two posts

          • Reversi [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            Really, that's your takeaway after two posts looking for clarification and another getting a sense of how bad things are on a specific site

            We're on the same side, believe it or not

            • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
              3 years ago

              If you hadn't come at me out of the gate comparing this stuff to Lolita I wouldn't be so hostile toward you. When you do shit like that, you look like a pedo reaching for any way to dishonestly shift the conversation away from the fact that the content Ao3 gladly and openly hosts is unacceptable. Because it is otherwise very difficult to believe that an honest person could see any resemblance between Lolita, a piece of literature about a pedophile, and the stories on Ao3, which are pornography written by and for pedophiles.

              • Reversi [none/use name]
                3 years ago

                Hence why I deferred to you on this, I don't know the culture of AO3

                And after looking up what "knotting" is, I feel... way too online

      • NeverForgo [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Yeah, if anybody thinks 1% is anywhere close to acceptable, what the fuck is their problem? Like what????

        • Reversi [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          It's not "acceptable" in the same way that there's no amount of murders that's "acceptable," but based on sites like Deviantart it seems like that's the average

          Which is not good, because it shouldn't be there to make an average in the first place, but unfortunately it is

      • Reversi [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        The normal proportion is much closer to 0 for a number of reasons, not the least of which being such things being understandably banned in a number of countries.

        If it was formally regulated by a government body, sure, but given how much cartoon/anime/manga has characters that trend lower, I would assume that Deviantart has more than 1% of questionable/obscene content like that--Deviantart's the biggest art site I know, that's the baseline I was using

        The way sexualized Evangelion stuff gets posted even though the characters are 13, for example, is baffling, but it just... gets posted nonetheless

    • NeverForgo [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Uhhhhhhhhh…. 1% of content being CP is not normal under any standards. That’s a shit ton.