Reversi [none/use name]

  • 47 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2020

  • Genuinely forgot that MRA zealots existed for about five years

    Which is weird, since men get fucked over by capitalism in enough ways you'd think the MRA crowd would be more vocal

    But nah, just on Reddit, still saying the same shit

    "Men are only valued for what they provide, women are valued for just existing, being a woman is so easy"

    "The reason women are doing better than men in school is purely due to malicious teaching practices"

    "I wish society would let me be vulnerable and emotional, anyway, isn't it a crazy how women are so emotional and hysterical"

    "What about the homeless men?! What about the male suicides?! What about false rape accusations?!"

    Yeah, society sure does love women, based on the backlog of rape kits and how women are assumed incompetent at everything and medieval abortion laws being approved and how society defaulted to "what if we go TOO FAR" within a day of MeToo hitting headlines and your career as an artist/actor being completely dependent on whether you're attractive and if you're even slightly famous an entire Internet/tabloid cottage industry will try to record you naked and instead about worrying about the very small chance of being accused or rape you can worry about the considerably larger chance of actually being raped, and hey, a society is clearly biased towards women if marital rape was legally considered as 'not as bad' as "real rape" up until the 2000s

    Yeah, being leered at from day one of puberty and being physically weaker on average and being told "just leave that uncomfortable situation/that abusive boyfriend, what's the big deal" and being considered damaged goods if you ever admit to being raped or sexually abused or assaulted, sure is an easy life, nothing quite like having men froth at the mouth to see your ass then immediately call you a whore/slut if you exhibit any of kind of sexuality that isn't catered to male voyeurism

    Yeah, men have it rough, having their value attached to expertise/wealth/intellect/humor/charisma/artistry, things that can be trained and improved, unlike those damn lazy women who have it easy by having the roulette of attractiveness spun at birth and are locked into those features until death

    For a group of people who can't shut up about how strong and brave and rational and honorable and principled they are by virtue of their Y chromosome, they do a fantastic job of concealing those traits and going on about hunter-gatherers and primitive societies that they know nothing about and that they'd be banished from/die on a hunt in on day one

    Damn, dealing with rightists is easier than this, since MRAs have already forfeited so they have no incentive to stop wallowing in defeatism and self-pity, there's no "let's make a better world for men, and by extension for women, and by extension our children," it's just walking away with their tails between their legs

    If there's a benefit, these people refusing to marry means less kids will have to grow up with whackjob fathers

  • What's mindblowing is that conservatives have been handed the best possible propaganda... by Democrats

    Militarization of police, stop and frisk, the drug war, civil asset forfeiture, school-to-prison pipeline, income inequality in Democrat-controlled cities

    But instead of leveraging that in a meaningful way, they fall back on fear of not being on top of the hierarchy; even black conservatives only go so far as "rich Democrats look down on you, vote Republican" and wonder why they aren't gaining fans that aren't white

    It's like conservatives would rather live in perpetual existential dread than live in a more right-wing world where some of their leaders are identifiably and unashamedly black

  • I think a big part of how Cuba has survived is how well it has penetrated the US intelligence apparatus with double agents

    The CIA is the most dangerous entity in the room, but because of that they think anything they do will work out because who the fuck is gonna stop them

    You've got a bunch of guys who think they're civilized geniuses fighting against brainless barbarians, tricking them wouldn't be hard with enough study

    It seems too dumb for reality, but the fact of the matter is that the best and brightest of the imperial core got outplayed by the Viet Cong, said "never again," then got outplayed by the Taliban the same way, and all they can do is blame the Afghan people for not worshiping America enough

    If you can get away with declaring war over fake WMDs, at that point, you've deluded yourself into believing you control reality. You control American reality, but the rest of the world will push back; you see this with China already

  • Reversi [none/use name]tothe_dunk_tankGood lord
    3 years ago

    Can't wait for the ultimate reveal that Hitler was a wizard and he cast an evil spell on the poor, unsuspecting German people

    It turns out that you can try as hard as you can with all sorts of edgy bullshit, but a kid's book is still a kid's book, especially when you do the whole "yeah magic can block radio waves and turn off guns and mind control people, and wizards see ordinary humans as subhuman, but world events are still exactly the same"

  • Inside Edition is wild

    Racist maniac kills two black people because... racism:

    Racist maniac fails to shoot up a Walmart and incite a race war:

    Incel maniac fails at femicide:

    Could you fucking imagine if these ideological acts were carried out by black people, or by leftists? Society would see fucking red, would demand the "black community" to apologize, and so on and so on

    But when it's just a white fascist, society goes "eh... that's how it is"

  • That's absolutely going to happen.

    On a review of White, AKA Bret Easton Ellis whining about no one appreciating his genius for 300 fucking pages:

    "Snowflakes on both coasts in withdrawal from Rachel Maddow's nightly Kremlinology lesson can purchase a whole book to inspire paroxysms of rage . . . a veritable thirst trap for the easily microaggressed. It's all here. Rants about Trump derangement syndrome; MSNBC; #MeToo; safe spaces."—Bari Weiss, The New York Times

  • the more time goes by, the less colonialist white people have to do with it.

    The colonialist white person never went away, they just became members of the World Bank and IMF and State Department and military-industrial complex as a whole

    What the fuck was Afghanistan if not a bungled colonialist project? White colonialist thinking bleeds through every single western analysis of China: "oh, if only we could show them the light of western values and DemocracyTM"

    this entire original post is reactionary as fuck

    "The bourgeoisie and servants of capital will manipulate language via ideology, and the capitalist class will dissect and debase language in order to make profits" is reactionary? Alright, sure. Point is that the way language is currently shifting is fucked up, not that languages should never change ever