On August 15, Justin Trudeau called a snap election with the hope of regaining a Liberal majority. His confidence in his ability to do so was based on the fact that most Canadians think the government has handled the pandemic well. However, polling has indicated that his edge in this is actually razor thin over the Conservative Party and the largest gains by far were to the NDP and PPC.

Holy shit this is so fucking dumb. Nobody gives a shit about this election, Justin, why the hell did you do this? You clearly just wanted to try and make use of that post-pandemic popularity bump that a number of governments seem to be getting, following actually handling the pandemic competently, but you didn't do a god damned thing, did you Justin? The only people that actually did anything were the NDP, and you thought? YOU THOUGHT? We saw through that shit, dumbass, and now you actually stand a chance to lose your plurality to the fucking Conservatives.

Results are coming in here

CBC polling

Comprehensive list of resources for those in need of an abortion :feminism:

Resources for Palestine :palestine-heart:

Here are some resourses on Prison Abolition :brick-police:

Foundations of Leninism :USSR:

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

Anarchism and Other Essays :ancom:

Remember, sort by new you :LIB:

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Question for the day here. One winner and sorry for getting back late, everyone :rat-salute: @biden.

Previous answer

butcher is 48, the baker is 42 and the candlestick maker is 60

Two diesel ships

Two diesel ships leave a pier simultaneously, the Stepan Razin downstream and the Timiryazev upstream, with the same motive force. As they leave, a life buoy falls off the Stepan Razin and floats downstream. An hour later both ships are ordered to reverse course. Will the Stepan Razin's crew be able to pick up the buoy before the ships meet?

Like usual have fun :soviet-heart: and remember to dm @Wmill the answer.

Seriously though, this election is so dumb. :kkkanada:

  • DeathToBritain [she/her, they/them]
    3 years ago

    dude, imagine being Quebecois, like fuck. not only are you French, you're shitty French, who got BTFO'd and has to live under Anglo rule. you almost understand why they're so angry all the time, I would be too if I had as pathetic an existence

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          3 years ago

          They also got booted by the English down to Louisiana when it was still owned by France. Cajun is a bastardized pronunciation of Acadian that became its own word over time. Source: I'm in the Maritimes and my mom's side were the English people who got their land after they got the boot.

            • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
              3 years ago

              My mom's side were loyalists in the American Revolution who got land in Canada that was promised to slaves who rebelled and fought for the English and that land is also where most Acadians got the boot from. My dad's side is German, but left well before either world war.

          • drinkinglakewater [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Neat. I remember talking with someone about Quebec nationalism and they said that Acadians were the ones doing all the cooperation with Indigenous people that the French love to take credit for and they also pushed for recognition as a distinct nation while the French Canadians sided with the British Canadians in keeping a united settler colonial Canada

            • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]
              3 years ago

              That's... Pretty accurate for it. Also there was Le Grand Dérangement where lots of Acadiens were deported and ethnically cleansed from Maritime Canada and New England to a number of different places, like randomly dotted around the Caribbean, back to France, and some to England, but then a ton that got deported were recruited by the Spanish to colonize Luisiana and then their descendants became the Cajuns.

    • WhoaSlowDownMaurice [they/them, undecided]
      3 years ago

      Like I said: Give Quebecois people the Pied-Noirs of Algeria treatment. That is, send them all back to France. The French would hate it? Bonus I guess.