We all have a right to be angry, and there is much evil in this world deserving of justice. But due to the nature of our society, open calls for violence are not strategic.

Open calls for violence only jeopardize our community, not because they're morally wrong, but because they're illegal. We have to be strategic.

Find another way to release your urge for vengeance. Channel it into something productive. Frame it as a need for self-defense. Let's always remember that we must prioritize the need for a stable community.

  • a_jug_of_marx_piss [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There is also another really important strategic reason.

    We obviously wish to be a growing movement, both as a forum and socialist thought in general. It's important to recognise that a growing movement's rhetoric will leak into its actual ideology. A good leftist wishes for a better world and sees that violence is necessary to get there. But if we glorify that violence too much, we will attract people that are more into just violence with leftism as just an excuse, and repel people that want a better world but do not yet what it will take to achieve it.

    Adventurism is bad, folks.