Peaking in at this article and... are they comparing China to Sparta?
It doesn’t capture the dynamics that have often driven revisionist powers—whether that is Germany in 1914 or Japan in 1941—to start some of history’s most devastating conflicts.
Imagine thinking Germany started WW1. Nevermind thinking that Japan's involvement in WW2 started eight years after the Nanjing massacre.
This is the real trap the United States should worry about regarding China today—the trap in which an aspiring superpower peaks and then refuses to bear the painful consequences of descent.
But yeah. Jesus. IMAX does less projection than this.
This is a major projection.
Peaking in at this article and... are they comparing China to Sparta?
Imagine thinking Germany started WW1. Nevermind thinking that Japan's involvement in WW2 started eight years after the Nanjing massacre.
But yeah. Jesus. IMAX does less projection than this.