PeterTheAverage [he/him]

  • 31 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020

  • So not only does Trump have his largest average lead yet in the primary as of today, but in the vast majority of the recent general election polls he's now doing better against Biden than DeSantis. I have to say it's kind of fun to see Meatball imploding even before officially announcing, especially since his stans on Twitter and Reddit have big Elizabeth Warren energy from the 2020 primaries.

  • He is probably among the least cash-rich of the extremely wealthy, nearly all of his wealth is tied up in overinflated stocks and he's been exposing himself as an idiot daily ever since he bought Twitter to the point that the myth of his genius has collapsed even in sectors that used to constantly blow smoke up his ass. It's unlikely that he'll stop being rich altogether but I could definitely see him get to just "regular" uber-wealthy.

  • People like Matt Walsh and Chris Rufo who have spearheaded the Republican anti-trans movement were doing a victory lap early in the day yesterday about how their efforts have made attacking transpeople (especially kids) a winning issue for Republicans and now have to backtrack.

  • He is panicking for sure. Twitter was unprofitable before he bought it, and now he has $1 billion/year in debt interest payments that he has to cover. He was forced to buy it so he definitely realizes how bad a deal it was, and if advertisers are fleeing it's looking worse by the day.

  • Here's a reddit comment explaining what the Vox article gets wrong

    TLDR: Vox treats a simple majority as an overwhelming majority, when in the former case almost as many people "win" as "lose". If you change the benchmark to 75%, the affluent get their way twice as often with policies they support and are successful at stopping nearly all policies that they're strongly against. Strong support among high-income Americans roughly doubles the probability that a policy will be adopted; strong support among the middle class has essentially no effect.

    PS: I also find it kind of ridiculous to put the affluent and the middle class on an equal playing ground like Vox does, given that the latter is so much larger than the former. Even if Vox is right it's still really bad.