Because I feel like I'm in one.

I believed in the necessity of a vanguard party for a long time, but...material conditions. If there were a well-defined leader—even of something like the protests in PDX—they would have already been imprisoned on trumped up charges or Fred Hampton'd. Likely the former at this time. Historical evidence suggests this is the case, as do present conditions. Based on how brutally we're seeing the police treat anonymous members of the antifascist resistance, it's getting really hard to imagine how it could be possible to have anything remotely resembling a leader, or even a party with a membership list and regular meetings.

I understand the implications the lack of a central organizing structure has on our ability to effectively resist the state, but because of how everything has played out so far it seems like this might...actually be working in our favor. At least, considering what's unfolded up to the present moment I have a hard time picturing it going better if we had defined leadership that the state was able to target right out of the gate.

There's also the fact that (at least I'm ready to concede this at this point) that the US in its entirety isn't going to undergo a socialist revolution backed by the masses, and that the most likely scenario heading in that direction is a balkanization with the emergence of something better as one of its fragments (most likely west coast/PNW). Such a something better would be more likely to (successfully) take the from of an autonomous region similar to Chiapas or Rojava, versus a traditional socialist state amidst a sea of late/post-war capitalism.

Finally, another thought regarding material conditions...who are the people out there at this very moment resisting the state? It's anarchists. No one, myself included, is effectively organizing any type of meaningful ML resistance to meet this moment, but there are folks out in the street fighting cops every single night. They are the ones doing the work, and all we can say about it is "hmm, sure looks like we are approaching revolutionary conditions".'s other folks doing the work, and we're sitting around hoping to cash in on it later.

I'm getting ready to jump ship.

  • Classic_Agency [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    A state needs to be wealthy before it can transition to socialism. There’s no way of building wealth better than capitalism.

    You are literally just agreeing with the neoliberals here. And no, the whole concept of lower phase communism was theorised by marx to solve this problem. He did not advocate using capitalism at all.

    Secondly, China has performed the most significant elevation of quality of life in history, bringing hundreds of millions out of poverty in just a few decades. Socialist or capitalist, that ought to be commended, especially as an alternative to the neoliberal West.

    Europe and America also had significant elevations in quality of life during the industrial revolution. Are you going to praise them as well? Not only this but China doesn't exactly have the best record in terms of labor laws or social service provision.