
    • Alex_Jones [he/him]
      3 years ago

      To be fair, would we alter !the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net if people started harassing people in excess?

      I don't think we cultivate the same vibe, but we don't block out names here for people.

      Don't get me wrong - I hope this opens people up to the idea that reddit and the ghouls running it are a bunch of reactionary assholes.

      I just hope it doesn't devolve into bad faith :freeze-peach: handwringing.

        • Alex_Jones [he/him]
          3 years ago

          That's fair and makes sense given the pearl clutching over John Brown's based actions. I keep forgetting that HCA is decidedly a liberal sub.

      • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
        3 years ago

        The Dunk Tank goes after journalists, politicians, and others with a large audience to mock their bad beliefs with friends, privately, not to do anything of consequence or contact them. Subreddit drama takes it way too far against people who do not matter.

    • ratmfan [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I hated that sub. I went on once to check it out after hearing about it here, and the post was something like "RIP to my beautiful sister, a single mother to three young children, I'll miss her so much" and all the comments were like "lol dis bitch dead" and I realized I didn't want to be a part of shit like that.

      also it's total reddit libshit, I don't like anti-vax people either, but I don't feel like celebrating the deaths of low level randoms, when the real enemy is the right wing media complex that is complicit in spreading misinformation that these people are falling for

  • BruceWillis [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    let's make a monetized version of this and make up fake people who "died of vaccines" and get lots of conservative ads on the site and get it to go viral on conservative social media, we will make so much money.

    • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I remember this one Twitter post showing some of the things reported by the VAERS, they included some things like hangovers or leaving the hospital against medical advice, medically impossible things like growing more teeth, and I think one report was that someone turned into the Hulk?

      Shit, I'd be taking the vaccine every day if I thought there was a nonzero chance I could get superpowers.

      • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
        3 years ago

        You have to have Inhuman DNA in you for the vaccine to activate your powers.

  • Sushi_Desires
    3 years ago

    What if they pull a herman cain and simply keep posting from beyond the grave

    • CommunistBear [he/him]
      3 years ago

      They have to block out all identifying information. No names, photos, things like that.

      • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
        3 years ago

        That's always been a rule IIRC. If it wasn't, they were on thin ice because every "make fun of illerate people on Facebook" subreddit understands that's a rule because if it's not, some idiot will inevitably "touch the poop" and cause an incident.

        • crime [she/her, any]
          3 years ago

          First names and photos seem like they should be fair game and definitely are in other corners of Reddit. I'm not surprised, we all know Reddit admins and CIA agent Ashooh will shut down any potential left-wing radicalization subs, even when most people there just seemed like mean-spirited libs

          • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
            3 years ago

            HCA is pure lib malice. There's absolutely nothing "left wing radicalization" about people mocking their illiterate relatives and acquaintances about some culture war bullshit, unless you think left-wing radical means "owning the Chuds". No one who matters is on Facebook.

            That being said, it was absolutely trivial to doxx a lot of the "censored names" on HCA. I did a bunch of them for fun/practice, probably every other submission you could find due to sloppy editing.

            • crime [she/her, any]
              3 years ago

              Admittedly I haven't looked at it in awhile so I'm sure that's true — I remember it seeming to have a lot of potential towards the beginning and I had a couple good exchanges with libs walking them through a materialist analysis of the systemic issues, and the occasional person posting about how the sub kicked their ass into gear for getting vaxxed. I don't doubt it turned into mean-spirited liberal popcorn munching.

              That said, doxxing dead people doesn't seem like much of a breach of civility — they're dead.

        • Nagarjuna [he/him]
          3 years ago

          some idiot will inevitably “touch the poop”

          Woah, :brd: throwback