Bit idea: telling a date you're taking them out for tapas then bringing them to a Costco to eat the free samples
I'd be thrilled and would absolutely be trying to get more dates. That is weird fun shit that I don't do by myself.
I think it would be funny if it was someone you had been dating for a while and you knew had a good sense of humor. Tell them you're taking them out to this new tapas place and tell them to wear something nice, get dress up yourself then go to Costco. Lmao
those samples are for the employees to help them survive their shift, don’t be rude
It's a good chance to gauge how your date treats working people. If they're an ass that's an instant deal vreaker to me
I know a lot of people where that would would an instant second date if someone invited them to do that.
I think it's a little bold for a first date but a third of fourth would be pretty funny