Slash arr slash gaming circlejerk unironically doing "They targeted gamers" over some fake China shit.

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    3 years ago

    That person is me btw.

    You should do nothing about it. But you shouldn't whitewash what's happening or retreat into some made up reality. When people go around calling shit fake when it isn't, it discredits calling actual fake shit fake. Nobody's going to take you or us seriously when we say, "that's just Western propaganda," if we say that about everything. Moreover, downplaying homophobia is alienating and makes us look bad.

    I basically acknowledged everything you said in the post I linked btw. I fully understand being critical of western media due to it being unreliable on China and due to the agenda of manufacturing consent. But when a story is actually true, you can just acknowledge that China isn't perfect and move on. Rather than being like, "China never does anything bad ever," why don't we be like, "China isn't perfect but that's no reason to do an imperialism at them."

    • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Ok if China is banning effeminate men and homosexuals, that's bad. I remain unconvinced that it is.