I hate these stupid ass motherfuckers. Yellowjackets will leave you alone if you leave them alone, simple as that.

I have a nest of them in my garden currently, they took over a compost bin. I went right up to them and was fucking around with the compost before realizing they were there. They started swarming so I immediately stopped moving, then after a few seconds, slowly took my hand out, waited a few more seconds, then put the lid back on the bin and secured it, then slowly backed away. Didn't get stung at all even though I basically touched some of them and messed with their shelter.

But no these Big Tough Manly Men™ on reddit.com are so scared of them that they will burn them alive, drown them, stomp on them, poison them, etc. Fucking pathetic.

ETA: Read up, libs

    • LoudMuffin [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It’s a “eat or starve” type thing.

      I hope I don't get beaten for this opinion but this is why I'm not vegan. I'm completely against factory farming and gluttonous overconsumption (I feel sick when I see right wing people posting their four times a day red meat meals, wtf) but I mean in nature animals kill and/or eat each other all the time, often brutally. Its always seemed to me just a natural, unavoidable part of life, like death. I think it just has to be done with intention and respect...

      • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
        3 years ago

        I mean in nature animals kill and/or eat each other all the time,

        Animals do a lot of horrific shit to each other that you would rightfully condemn me for doing to any animal. This is simply not a valid argument.

      • HeckHound [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I’m really glad that you’re opposed to factory farming, and I’m not trying to say you’re a bad person or lecture you or anything, but I don’t think you’ve thought through the full implications of your moral reasoning for slaughtering animals. I think it raises a number of questions that you may not have directly considered but might be helpful to think about.

        If it’s ok for us to kill animals because some other animals kill each other, then why would it be wrong to rape or torture animals when some animals do these things as well? Why is only killing justified by this reasoning and not other actions we’d consider harmful as well?

        If this reasoning is supposed to apply to all animals, then why would, say, a hawk killing a dove justify me killing more doves? Do the doves lose the right to live simply because other animals kill them?

        Why would humans be exempt from being killed for food when we know many humans kill and/or eat other animals all the time, often brutally? After all, it’s not like anyone is advocating for just eating animals which have killed other animals, so it wouldn’t matter if the individual human had killed anyone, just that other humans had done so.

        Would you be ok with being hunted and killed by a billionaire cannibal as long as he did it with “intention and respect”? How are your reasons for not wanting that to happen to yourself different from those of a deer or dove being hunted when the hunter can thrive on a vegan diet instead?

        These were just some of the questions I had to work through when I started trying to form my own moral opinions on animal exploitation, and it’s fine to not have all the answers right now but I’d strongly encourage you to keep thinking on it. I also think it’s important to remember that “humans” and “animals” are not two entirely separate categories of beings, and that animals are not a monolithic group that all have the same behaviors and capabilities.