I hate these stupid ass motherfuckers. Yellowjackets will leave you alone if you leave them alone, simple as that.

I have a nest of them in my garden currently, they took over a compost bin. I went right up to them and was fucking around with the compost before realizing they were there. They started swarming so I immediately stopped moving, then after a few seconds, slowly took my hand out, waited a few more seconds, then put the lid back on the bin and secured it, then slowly backed away. Didn't get stung at all even though I basically touched some of them and messed with their shelter.

But no these Big Tough Manly Men™ on reddit.com are so scared of them that they will burn them alive, drown them, stomp on them, poison them, etc. Fucking pathetic.

ETA: Read up, libs

  • baby_trump [undecided]
    3 years ago

    I just have little patience from having to deal with shitheads all day at work. Plus I have high standards for this place and am very irritated when people break out the liberalism.

    But I appreciate your words and will tone it down.

    • ShadowTheBasedHog [des/pair]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, I def get that. This site is on the whole pretty solid, but I generally just expect folks to have different brainworms they’ll need to work through (myself included). If you’re also on the more left side of the eco movement like I am, then I totally empathize it can be frustrating. We have a lot of education work to do.

      And no probs. I’ve just noticed the mods here (correctly) ban users who become too harsh (check the modlog entries for “hostile”) and I’ve been guilty of that in the past on previous (now banned) accounts lol

      Also I don’t know why I used so many parentheses in this comment, but hopefully you get what I'm going for hah