Dune, but it's actually Sleeping Bear Dunes and it's just 2 hours of watching people climb up that massive sand dune.
Awkward! Stop playing neopets so we can head out and get our errands done and come home to drink tequila!
lol in all seriousness, I don’t live in the mitten anymore but you’re luck af if you live anywhere near the bear dunes area.
I live just north enough for people to say I live "up north". Especially if you're from Detroit. I grew up going to the dunes and the Lakeshore and that love has carried over into my adult life. My wife is also from here, but her parents didn't do much when they were kids, so it's really great taking her to all these places I know and love and watching someone else fall in love with them. It's also great finding new places together
Some of my greatest memories involve camping in that area and near sleeping bear dunes. I envy you so much.
Dune but it's Raccoon and it takes place in the alleyways of a suburb.
Do not, my friends, become addicted to cat food. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!