I didn't know where to post, so I will post it here.

Basically, for some time now, I have had this idea in the back of my mind; I want to launch a communist media organisation, or some communist organisation of some sort. I think our ideas need more exposure, more over, as someone that lives in China, I feel a bit less worried about the repercussions making a public communist org could have on my life.

I think what made me especially think about this, is that today I witnessed something disgusting; I saw that an acquaintance of mine made a NGO about promoting the relationship between China and the EU, basically a disgusting shitty neoliberal grift that just aims to amass power, influence and money. After witnessing this, I asked myself, why only allow shitty neoliberal voices to be heard? I'm sure at least China would be willing to hear the voices of comrades more than the voices of neolib bureaucrat trash, so why not make an org?

Also, recently I talked with a Chinese politician, so this gave me some hope that our voices can indeed be heard and taken into account. There should be more communist media orgs (and communist orgs in general), but it has to start somewhere.

What do you guys think?

  • wmz [any]
    3 年前

    good to hear. something like this to promote internationalism is very needed. As you pointed out, there's way too many ghoulish ngo grifts that promote neoliberalism rn