Surprised this wasn't posted already?

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    None of these Live Action Anime remakes have been particularly good.

    Some of them have been... not bad (Detective Pikachu, Full Metal Alchemist). But. I'm just not feeling this. Going to go back and rewatch the original series and just enjoy the show done right.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      3 years ago

      'Ballad of Fallen Angels' is such a banger of an episode. You find another way to tell that much story in 26 minutes and I'll buy you lunch.

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        3 years ago

        I'll have to check that out. Death Note had such a good premise and characters, but it kinda dragged at the end.

  • Krem [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I can't tell if this looks kinds crap or acceptable.

    Every location looks pretty cheap though. I want space Hong Kong and space Tijuana and space Tangier, everything in the trailer looks like a theatre set.

  • Dingdangdog [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Just excited for the music. The whole thing could suck but we have new compositions from Yoko Kanno confirmed so it'll at worst case be a decent thing to put on in the background

  • disco [any]
    3 years ago

    The casting for the main character seems like it's off by a mile. Everything else looks pretty good so I'll give it a chance.

    • Juiceyb [any]
      3 years ago

      I was on the fence when it came to Faye and spike in the first teaser but now it’s spike that I’m still on the fence.

      • ElGosso [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Faye is the only one who actually seems like the character. Jet isn't selling me on being permanently exasperated and John Cho isn't cocky enough to sell me on Spike.

  • SerLava [he/him]
    3 years ago

    There was another trailer that was kinda weird, lots of those panels and weird angles and transitions. This one looks better than that one.

      • SerLava [he/him]
        3 years ago

        It kinda was, but it was also doing a lot of weird different stuff that the anime wasn't doing, lots of weird tilting and zooming, and moving across comic book panel things

  • thisismyrealname [he/him]
    3 years ago

    judging by spike saying "what the actual fuck" after mad pierrot shows up i have a feeling that this is going to be awful

    i guess it could be hard to translate the vibe of that episode into live action but that's not an excuse to do soy bants imo

    edit: probably just trailer editing but still

    • Kumikommunism [they/them]
      3 years ago

      That and the "God damn it, Spike" have some real bad YouTuber sketch energy.

      Really not getting good vibes about the script here

  • AntipastoAktion [they/them]
    3 years ago

    There's something off about how this one looks. I dunno what it is but I notice it with a lot of live-action remakes of animated stuff, they all have this air of like... cosplayers pretending to act out scenes from the show. It's like the actors themselves aren't comfortable with their own characters or something. It's super fucking weird and I can't put a finger on it.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I don't know if this is a low standards thing, but I'm definitely giving it a shot.

    Spike's outfit feels very costume to me though.

  • bewts [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Mad Pierrot lets go. That might have been Jupiter Jazz at the beginning? A weeb can dream I guess. IDGAF if it looks kinda jank I'm hype.

  • Abraxiel
    3 years ago

    Yeah, this looks good. I'll admit I'm excited.