
Pretty sure vaccines did eradicate rubella


Actually getting measles helps your brain grow

  • robinn_IV
    9 months ago

    Dr Andrew Molden rip did a 25-year study

    Looks up Doctor Andrew Molden oops they spelled his last name wrong, that’s okay let’s look at if he’s credible

    The basic premise was Moulden would ask people to send in videos (or sometimes just photographs) of their children looking at the camera, and based upon eye movements he would diagnose what is wrong with them... for a hefty fee of course… in order to even submit a video or photographs he required people to hold a "AMassNetwork IMAN-12" membership - which required a paid fee as well. [source]

    I know it can be confusing as Mr. Hubbs and other vaccination conspiracy theorists continually refer to Moulden as "Dr. Moulden", but the truth is Moulden doesn't hold an actual license to practice medicine… Moulden does hold a doctorate that much is true, but his PhD is actually in psychology…. Moulden never finished his residency program (which was in psychiatry not any field related to vaccines by the way), and he has NEVER been licensed to practice medicine - anywhere. Don't take my word for it though, just read it directly from The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (the one and only official medical licensing body of Ontario) which clearly shows he attempted to get through a residency program, but after eight years of trying he was only able to reach the third year (the residency requires five years to complete), so he must have finally given up and decided there was more money to be made by selling DVDs and speaking at seminars than there was by actually practicing legitimate medicine.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      Lmao. Reminds me of seeing “doctor” channels on YouTube, clicking in their about page, and seeing that they have a masters in chiropractics

      9 months ago

      "Money is the root of all evil" really is the truth, I'm going to form a religion solely on that premise with no other dogma or scripture. Money is evil, abolish money. It's nearly impossible to find a terrible thing going on today that isn't at least partially pushed on by greedy hucksters.