Yes, I know, the political compass is bullshit. Please don't comment just to say that.

It looks to me like you have to believe in some pretty fucked up shit to end up on the top half of the grid, like restricting people's sex lives, imposing religion, and persecuting minorities. Even though I've become strongly ML over the past year and a half or so, I still end up libleft.

  • Perplexiglass [they/them]
    4 years ago

    I don't know how to suss out the implications, but I was part of a group of "leftists" (read: Bernie Bros - Buttigieg Bros) who all took the test, and absolutely every single person landed somewhere between Chomsky and Kropotkin. The test is either a giant misfire, or a lot of neolibs still somehow vote against their heart's intentions. I dunno.