I just spent the day watching a local drift event. I rode my bike there and it was awesome. For the nerds: my two favorite cars there were a 3SGE-swapped TE72 Corolla and an S14 with a RB dry sump setup.

Commuting? general transportation? Cars are completely unnecessary. For motorsports, however, cars ARE necessary. What are you gonna do, drift a bike?

A glimpse into the brain of a car enthusiast that hates cars.

    • gaycomputeruser [she/her]M
      3 years ago

      If the train network was anywhere as good as it should be (I'm in the us) then tbh I'd really like taking the train between places and going as I want. But yeah its pretty impractical otherwise.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Cars are fine for specialty uses. Like giving handicapped people who can't use busses and trains a car is fine. Giving emergency responders cars is fine. Cars for entertainment, cultural and hobby uses are also fine as the emissions they make is negligible. Cars might also have legitimate commercial and industrial uses, like inspection vehicles. A limited taxi service might also be a good idea, especially for the disabled or elderly.

    But for personal transportation? No, absolutely not. Cities should be planned so living within biking or walking distance of your workplace becomes the norm. This should be supplemented with good non-polluting public transit systems capable of quickly and efficiently handling local, regional as well as international travel.

  • activated [he/him]
    3 years ago

    "It's useless to use cars as transportation, we should only use the most fuel inefficient fucked up racing versions of them in incredibly dangerous sports for our amusement"

    • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
      3 years ago


      A few thousand cars for sporting reasons are a rounding error environmentally and safety wise. The overwhelming majority of people should not be doing their daily commute as a solo driver in an SUV.

      • activated [he/him]
        3 years ago

        "should" is doing a nearly infinite amount of heavy lifting in that sentence

        "I'm sorry worker, you're no longer employed because your car that does a fraction of damage of big rigs or cargo ships is polluting. Yes I know that middle class PMCs just work from home, but you burn gas to afford to live in a distant suburb, which is unforgivable. Also, please join me, a person representing a worker's party! Using cars is for LIBS lol"

        • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I mean, sure, if you completely ignore any context a leftist saying "we should get rid of cars" has then it's absolutely absurd in the same sense that ignoring all the context around a surgeon going "we're going to knock you out and slice you open on a table" makes it sound absurd.

          There's obviously an unspoken part where we build metric fucktons of high-quality public transit and make cars unnecessary beforehand. I'm not advocating that service industry workers do a death march in order to get yelled at by entitled boomers all day.

        • Edelgard [she/her]
          3 years ago

          In what world would any leftist abolish cars without giving a better option for workers lol

        • SoyViking [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Private cars should not be abolished by just issuing a ban or raising taxes on gas.

          Cars should be abolished by changing the way city planning is done, so people will be living in biking-sized neighborhoods, containing housing, workplaces, and the services you need every day like a supermarket, a school etc.

          Also priorities should be shifted from building and maintaining roads towards building and maintaining public transit infrastructure.

        • gaycomputeruser [she/her]M
          3 years ago

          There should be a better option. Most people will willingly choose the option of public transit if its faster, safer, and cheaper.

  • btbt [he/him]
    3 years ago

    We could also use cars to smash into other cars and destroy tgem

  • LoudMuffin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I fucking love cars but I kinda wish I didn't have to drive so much. Driving when no one around is super fun in my Miata but traffic is always just like "who the fuck thought this was a good idea"

    • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
      3 years ago

      This. The fact we're dependent on cars is the issue. I wish I could commute via reliable and fast public transport or biking but its not possible. A 20 minute drive is almost 2 hours via bus, an hour on a bike on deadly roads.

      People take public transport when its more convenient.

  • TankieTanuki [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Hunting cars for sport is unethical. Cars should be left alone, not used for transportation.