I keep seeing this talking point on :reddit-logo: whenever people complain about manchin, sinema or whatever other rotating villain of the week people are mad at. It's supposed to be some sort of "gotcha" or defense for these neolib ghouls...

It's glib, and it flies in the face of their other favorite response "we can walk and chew gum at the same time".

Do they honestly think people dont know republicans exist? Does it really need to be said that republicans are awful? They're not even confusing progressives and leftists for right wingers anymore.

It's just so lame, and I needed to vent about it. I need to quit going to :reddit-logo:

  • OldSoulHippie [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The problem is, they're not exactly wrong, it's just a foregone conclusion. The only problem with that argument is it's never been any other way. Republicans have always been horrible. I just don't get why they demand that we qualify every criticism with "I hate Republicans but..."

    They call you a Russian anyway.