So the other day, I made a post about how libs fire back against any criticism with "ItS aLmOsT lIkE tHeRe aRe 50 rEpUbLiCaN sEnAtOrS hOlDiNg eVeRyThInG hOsTaGe!!!!11!!!!!" To deflect from how feckless their leadership is.

Now that we have had another small election, and they're blaming progressives and leftists for all of their losing, they have forgot all about the excuse that it's only the Republicans fault.

We need them to lose so hard, the party fractures and anybody left of AOC disavows Democrats and refuses to support a democrat for the elected position of dog catcher. I know we joke about how everyone except me is a liberal on here, but there are still a lot of people on the left that fall for the democrat trap of falling in line, then taking the blame when faceless corporate dem #42069 loses.

Frankly, the only reason I bother to vote is because I care about local, down ballot stuff.

I can't believe this keeps happening. How is this not radicalizing people?!?