• crime [she/her, any]
    3 years ago

    God why can't Reddit "anarchists" be like hexbear anarchists instead of just like, edgy liberals who like reciting state departments propaganda about AES and get really mad when you point out that putting "opposing states" before "opposing imperialism" means you're siding with the Great Satan against the global south

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      3 years ago

      C@ is (or at least was, I haven't checked lately) run by the top mod from r/neoliberal, and there was at least one other mod who was literally just some socdem who constantly made sectarian bait posts and carried out aggressive purges of anyone who opposed the coup in Bolivia, only to get removed because they were also sexually harassing people on Discord. The whole subreddit is explicitly curated to stir up sectarian hatred. A lot of reddit is astroturfed to shit in order to whip as many people as possible into anti-communist frenzies.

      Fortunately I know of at least one person who snapped out of that, someone I knew from an unrelated discord server whose reddit account was all sectarian anti-ML shit on C@ who wound up deleting that account and identifying as an ML within a year of that.

      • effervescent [they/them]
        3 years ago

        We have some successful Reddit ops running where subs are salted with anti-imperial and revolutionary communist mods. No doubt that’s happening in the opposite direction. We for sure know Nazis do that shit for fun and r/neoliberal has always been an astroturfed shithole

    • Owl [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Some large percent of people only interact with politics on an aesthetic level, and anarchist aesthetics are cooler than Mao suits (fite me), so we get more of those folks.

      get really mad when you point out that putting “opposing states” before “opposing imperialism” means you’re siding with the Great Satan against the global south

      I think it's okay to put opposing states higher on your priority list than opposing imperialism, but supporting a more powerful state intervening against another state in the name of opposing states is a particularly confused stance. And unfortunately common.

      • crime [she/her, any]
        3 years ago

        I think it’s okay to put opposing states higher on your priority list than opposing imperialism

        Out of curiosity, why? Imperialism operates at a larger and more destructive scale than individual states, and states cannot be dismantled while the machinery of imperialism exists. Imperialistic hierarchy encompasses the hierarchy of the state.

        • Owl [he/him]
          3 years ago

          States are a precondition for imperialism. Dismantling imperialist states means an end to both imperialism and the state.

          states cannot be dismantled while the machinery of imperialism exists

          Why? I legitimately can't think of any reason for this.