
Is it all lib hokum? I was in my local theory shop yesterday and was looking at The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton, something I put on my reading list a year and a half ago.

Since then I've listened to and read Matt Bruenig's criticisms of MMT and found them pretty convincing but I haven't really spent much time reading the anything on the "pro" side.

Is this worth my time to read a book on MMT or is it just a distraction? Thoughts?

  • sagarmatha [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    it is useful to claw back monetary power back from technocrats, but the more important thing money wise would be to abolish debt and mmt won't do it, same with moving the money powers not just in creation but in distribution and use also to the government. Inflation (monetary wise) is bullshit though, otherwise we would have had huge inflation since 2008 not just now, so on that front they're okay, their solutions are just lacking