sagarmatha [none/use name]

  • 57 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2020


  • sagarmatha [none/use name]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    yeah and as long as you don't have much of value, risks of robbing is basically inexistent, for having lived in a camping (not in the us) for a few months, having friendly campground owners is crucial, they'll also attract a friendlier crowd

  • sagarmatha [none/use name]tonewsRussia-Ukraine Megathread 33
    2 years ago

    what is the source for "The Pentagon instructs the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to withdraw all remaining artillery to the cities on the eastern front - Kharkov, Dnipro, Zaporozhye - where they can fire behind civilian", thank you

  • soul is literally psyche in ancient greek, so it isn't so much that people try to rationalize souls but that the concept of soul/mind/psyche coincide/overlap from the beginning, now you can go the analytical route and say that it is all just semantic confusion and that we should do hard categories but i think the contrary is better, soul evolved as the mind/psyche specialized to a religious context, recentering it makes it lose its specialness, there is no such thing as the invented (one might say god given) concept of soul; if there is something special to the mind, following this enlarged concept it is (your) uniqueness as tracked by (your) soul (essence)/mind (consciousness)/psyche (yourself as shaped by material conditions)

  • i think some dualisms imply that the geist/soul/psyche can exist without the body, yes, you can substitute it to uranium in a power plant though which then necessarily needs the body (graphic crayons) to get catalyzed, but those are only analogies, the mind doesn't have to be physical, it only has to be more than the straightforward continuity of the body (the physical brain), for instance if there is an assymetric relationship in the direction of information. In reality of course things are much more complicated (autonomous nervous system, sympathic system...) but i am skeptical of straight up eliminative materialism as consciousness is, in my mind, an emergent entity, so that it is not reducible to its parts, i think it's also counting animals short and oversimplifying them as automatons (which is a typical western attitude rooted ironically in the dualist tradition), but in the end, like most philosophy, it really is a question of definition of what counts as mind and what is physical