A protester and volunteer medic wounded on the streets of Kenosha by Kyle Rittenhouse says he was unintentionally pointing his own gun at the rifle-toting Rittenhouse when the young man shot him in the arm
Just like Zimmerman before him, he's gonna get off on this bullshit but that doesn't change the fact that the motherfucker armed himself and put himself in a situation where he would feel justified shooting someone. Rittenhouse is a murderer, and the fact that our law seemingly has exceptions carved into it for acts like this demonstrates that our laws were written by and for white supremacists and capitalists to """"defend"""" themselves against minorities and the poor.
Fully agreed. This is the scenario this asshole was hoping for when he strapped up and headed to a BLM protest in defense of fascists. He killed with intent
Just like Zimmerman before him, he's gonna get off on this bullshit but that doesn't change the fact that the motherfucker armed himself and put himself in a situation where he would feel justified shooting someone. Rittenhouse is a murderer, and the fact that our law seemingly has exceptions carved into it for acts like this demonstrates that our laws were written by and for white supremacists and capitalists to """"defend"""" themselves against minorities and the poor.
Fully agreed. This is the scenario this asshole was hoping for when he strapped up and headed to a BLM protest in defense of fascists. He killed with intent