• Saif [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The United States is not going to exist 4 years from now. It will break down and become a failed state.

    Ask yourself what you would do if you were in Syria a few years before its civil war began.

    Focus on local organization efforts. Use the protests as a jump-off point, since they are a hotbed of current political activity. Propagandize socialism, form networks of mutual aid, create or join armed leftist militias. Participate in political activities with material effects like strikes, boycotts, or direct physical action. When shit hits the fan you need to be positioned in the most effective place to enact a socialist will. Co-operation is important - everything has to be a mass project. Be pragmatic, be smart, be opportunistic. Use relevant, immediate, and local problems as they happen, and address them in ways you can directly affect. I can't be too specific because it's about reacting to and pivoting off of your specific local context and the power you have to affect the grander socialist project, but be creative in trying to imagine how and where you should be in 4 years.