So I made this post on reddit. Might regret later. Might regret posting it here but hope not, I love you all. Fuck it though. Yes I'm emotional, this just happened minutes ago.

I particularly want to highlight a conversation with a /r/shitliberalssay moderator I had.

I received this comment from a moderator in the original linked thread.

As I could not respond in the thread due to being banned. I PMd this moderator. The following is the complete conversation:

Fun highlights:

  1. Getting called a bitchass and having masculinity questioned, before they realised I was not a man.

  2. Being called a bitch, twice, after being asked not to use sexist slurs, in a series of events that was started by upset over misogyny.

  3. Being told I am a gaslighter many times, not once having anything quoted or the gaslighting explained.

  4. Transphobia. After stating I am a trans woman they responded "It is clear what the issue is now and I am very sorry that your society made you that way."

  5. REAL gaslighting by immediately changing the meaning of the transphobia in the followup after being called out for it. Then pretending that it was never a thing in the first place. Demonstrating that the accusations of gaslighting are a projection for behaviour they very intentionally engage in when it suits them.

  6. Don't get me started on how calling someone a gaslighter dozens of times without ever explaining or justifying IS GASLIGHTING. Claiming something untrue and repeating it over and over and over and over again until peoplee question whether it might actually be true is what gaslighting is. Do I need to explain to other marxists how this is how huge parts of this entire series of events has been conducted? Via gaslighting. Conscious gaslighting. Because they know that repeating it over and over and over and over again results in it slowly become a collective belief. That people begin repeating it. I should not have to explain this to other marxists, it should be readily obvious.

This is the same kind of behaviour I experienced from others in this clique after the very first event occurred. It is the reason I have been logged off since it all went down.

  • Brak [they/them, e/em/eir]
    3 years ago

    :reddit-logo:, not even once. Sorry this is happening to you, buddy.

    That whole thing has big :fedposting: energy.

    Silver lining: this site is owned by a shadowy cabal of admins who aren't feds!

    :brak: You have more time for shitposting here, let's get to it.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Silver lining: this site is owned by a shadowy cabal of admins who aren’t feds!

      :fedposting: :agony-consuming:

      Seriously though this is very online shit I wish I didn't have to deal with.

      Btw if anyone in the modteam at /r/socialism is reading this fuck you, this is the behaviour I experienced immediately after those initial events occurred and is very indicative of the behaviour of the clique that you sided with as a whole. I've seen this from many of them. I can't fucking believe you just arbitrarily bin people from the team on a 6 person vote without ever having any conversation with me at all. That shit really fucked with me. You hurt me far more than literally months of harrassment from any of the neoliberals, tankiejerk or vaushites.

  • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
    3 years ago

    You're one of the best posters Reddit has and that shit site doesn't deserve you. Log off, like in a good way.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      3 years ago

      You’re one of the best posters Reddit has

      :bottom-speak: :heart-sickle:

      I honestly feel like all I do is imitate. I imitate the people of Hexbear, Chapo before that and MTC.

      I see good things, I remember good things, and eventually I repeat the good things but in slightly different ways.

      • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
        3 years ago

        All great posters stood on the shoulders of other great posters who came before. You're fine, comrade. :meow-hug:

        Sorry this all happened to you. :cat-trans:

        • Awoo [she/her]
          3 years ago

          Yeah I owe a lot of inspiration in particular to /u/parentisshotgun.

  • ScreamoBMO [they/them,any]
    3 years ago

    I have read through hundreds of screenshots trying to get caught up on context for all of this. Hyperfocus be damned, I have learned 2 things:

    1. You and your fellow mods are being harassed into submission in a coordinated campaign, professional or otherwise
    2. This is purposefully being obfuscated to look like petty Discord drama by pouring on truly excessive amounts of “context” on their part.

    I have known you for nearly 2 years now. You are one of the people without whom this website would not still exist. And I have never seen you this flustered or this deep in the trenches of mod “drama”. I am so sorry they are putting you through this and you have my uncritical support. I am convinced that you and yours are the last line of defense against the complete destruction of revleft sentiment on Reddit. If you need any sort of signal boost or help that we can provide, please reach out.

    Edit: I’ll also point out that some others in this thread appeared to have taken the time to read the giant screenshot dump linked by the SLS mods but not bothered to read the two minute convo where tronaldo apologizes and repeatedly recommends the essay that made him understand what he did wrong. And also taking it at face value that @Awoo completely defended what he said, which isn’t accurate. I thought we had a more critical culture than this but this just reminds me of yet more Discord drama.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Probably one of the best endorsements I think I could get from anyone on the whole site, and puts a few things in perspective.

      If you need any sort of signal boost or help that we can provide, please reach out.

      I don't know. This is the problem. There are good people involved, people I still respect despite the fact a couple of them have lashed out at me, some that I think are just a bit misled while others are generally trying to switch off entirely to it because it's a MASSIVE distraction (which I agree with them entirely on).

      The issue is that there's this campaign going on and that people are consistently forced to defend themselves from it. For example today I read that SLS post and a specific part of it attacked me so I felt obliged to defend myself, leading to the ban, leading to the interaction. Without getting the smearing campaign and attacks to stop somehow it will continue indefinitely and I don't think they're going to stop because there's an unclear ideological agenda hiding in the background of this.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I genuinely believe most of the community actually is, even a good chunk of the modteam shouldn't be lumped in with this.

      But a small clique exists that behaves this way, and has a great deal of influence with hierarchical positions that nobody wants to challenge. Many also know exactly how this clique behaves and know that if they show they're not actually in support of the clique then all the same behaviour will immediately be turned in their direction. There is the clique itself, but then there are also concerned outsiders, the oblivious, and the misled.

      This isn't solely an SLS issue either, many left wing modteams are cross pollinated across multiple subreddits so there are some pretty complicated relationships and due to hierarchies people are scared of revealing their actual positions.

      I think there are two important takeaways though, the act of using misogyny and transphobia while criticising it is highly demonstrative of not actually giving a shit about those things. The rational conclusion is that there's an ideological or other agenda involved.

  • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Fuuuuuuck that and fuck the mod team at SLS until they ban every bigoted mod.

    We love you here @Awoo. Hang with us or chillax offline, either way we support you.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I legit love everyone on this site a lot.

  • AnarchoCynicalist [any]
    3 years ago

    This reminds me of the convo I had when I was banned on one of my accounts. (Deleted that acc, or I could have pulled something up). They are just dumb bullies really. I was banned there for "sectarianism", but I´m 99% sure it was just because of the Anarcho in my name. The convo was just as condesending.

    Really sux. If this is a fed strategy to make people loose faith in humanity, it´s kind of working.

  • ultraviolet [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Stormfront and Discord mods all get the gulag. Even the good ones need some mandatory re-education.

  • NewAccountWhoDis [she/her]
    3 years ago

    My experience with Reddit discord and mod teams is just to throw them all in the trash. I'm sure there's plenty of good ones but way too many even of left wing subs are willing to do all sorts of bigotry and BS. I've seen them calling former users slurs and ablest insults, I've seen them openly fantasize over killing minorities, I've seen them defend neo nazis if they were fellow mods, etc etc.

    Reddit is a hellsite and any participation should be done knowing it is one.

  • CrimsonSage [any]
    3 years ago

    Don't let shitheads get you down comrade! :cat-trans:

  • Juiceyb [any]
    3 years ago

    Hey comrade, I want to give you a hug :meow-hug: and tell you that it’s not the end of the world. I’ve also been banned from that site because I made a fool out of one of the mods. Then they came down on the ban hammer by saying I was “trolling.” It’s not the end of the world and I’ve actually have been looking at :reddit-logo: less these days. The mods seem to have it out for people with a high karma count it seems.

  • khodahafez_dispenser [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    logs back in to check out hexbear after a couple weeks

    stumbles into the post with the most engagement

    nope nope nopes the fuck back out

  • Possum [it/its]
    3 years ago

    Death to radlibs and ultras. This is fucked up and wrong. Solidarity.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Unfortunately I don't know if they are either. I feel like there's a lot of fuzziness around what people's actual ideologies are.

      • Possum [it/its]
        3 years ago

        hmm well that seems intentional. Maybe their ideology is :cia:.

        • princeofsin [he/him]
          3 years ago

          The CIA Is Trying to Recruit Gen Z—and Doesn’t Care If They’re All Over Social Media :