So I made this post on reddit. Might regret later. Might regret posting it here but hope not, I love you all. Fuck it though. Yes I'm emotional, this just happened minutes ago.

I particularly want to highlight a conversation with a /r/shitliberalssay moderator I had.

I received this comment from a moderator in the original linked thread.

As I could not respond in the thread due to being banned. I PMd this moderator. The following is the complete conversation:

Fun highlights:

  1. Getting called a bitchass and having masculinity questioned, before they realised I was not a man.

  2. Being called a bitch, twice, after being asked not to use sexist slurs, in a series of events that was started by upset over misogyny.

  3. Being told I am a gaslighter many times, not once having anything quoted or the gaslighting explained.

  4. Transphobia. After stating I am a trans woman they responded "It is clear what the issue is now and I am very sorry that your society made you that way."

  5. REAL gaslighting by immediately changing the meaning of the transphobia in the followup after being called out for it. Then pretending that it was never a thing in the first place. Demonstrating that the accusations of gaslighting are a projection for behaviour they very intentionally engage in when it suits them.

  6. Don't get me started on how calling someone a gaslighter dozens of times without ever explaining or justifying IS GASLIGHTING. Claiming something untrue and repeating it over and over and over and over again until peoplee question whether it might actually be true is what gaslighting is. Do I need to explain to other marxists how this is how huge parts of this entire series of events has been conducted? Via gaslighting. Conscious gaslighting. Because they know that repeating it over and over and over and over again results in it slowly become a collective belief. That people begin repeating it. I should not have to explain this to other marxists, it should be readily obvious.

This is the same kind of behaviour I experienced from others in this clique after the very first event occurred. It is the reason I have been logged off since it all went down.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I'm not framing the entire event. I'm framing this specific event, and using it to demonstrate exactly the kind of abusive behaviour I saw from members of this group when I dropped reddit over a month ago. I've said very little about the entire event but for anyone interested the basic timeline as I understand it is:

    1. Shit happens in leftmods discord. Tron says some bad things, he deserved to be admonished for them.
    2. People disagreed that he should be completely crucified for it.
    3. People split over whether to crucify him entirely or not. ?. Some other shit over PMs and in half a dozen discords.
    4. Becomes larger war and weaponised to remove people in multiple subreddits (i lost my /r/socialism position due to it) and it continues to be ongoing. ?. Some more shit. I logged off reddit for over a month when I lost my /r/socialism position.

    Things are a mess but ultimately boil down to the initial event, disagreement over the initial event, and then a massive campaign to smear everyone that even slightly disagreed, I'm pretty sure it's more than a dozen people.

    One side hasn't tried to remove anyone, simply to defend itself from this campaign of attacks. The other has been consistently trying to weaponise it and tell others that if they do not denounce, sideline or boot everyone they dislike from their teams then they too will end up as part of the campaign.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        3 years ago

        I agree for the most part.

        This whole mess could have been diffused in the beginning if people hadn't been going completely out of their way to be destructive rather than constructive though. Someone doing a wrong doesn't mean they immediately need to be cast out into the wilderness, you take corrective steps first and use that as a last resort.