There’s a 98% chance this chuckle fuck is a “centrist” tech bro that lives in a stupidly tacky apartment in a gentrified part of a city which he proudly claims to be a proud resident of. All the while voting for every single oppressive program against the original poor residents of said city they can and spouting every right wing talking point they can
I know these fucks
There’s a 98% chance this chuckle fuck is a “centrist” tech bro that lives in a stupidly tacky apartment in a gentrified part of a city which he proudly claims to be a proud resident of. All the while voting for every single oppressive program against the original poor residents of said city they can and spouting every right wing talking point they can
This person has BLM and Women Who Code stickers on their laptop and is very excited about the Chesa Boudin recall
They probably hate BLM for being disruptive with their protests.
Definitely - they “support the idea but can’t approve of some of the tactics”.
They also believe that their company’s mission statement at face value and that they’re doing Social Good through their job.
They also say things like “I don’t support Israel but I also think Vietnam draft dodgers should have gone to jail” and other bizarre statements