Welcome to the jungle, baby
I want nothing more than to see these people live the lives of average people from the global south for a week
They'd literally be dead in a week, supposing that the people their didn't consider them to be essentially an actual child. Which they might, because outside of the imperial core the people are still human.
yuppies in Syria during the height of the Civil War challenge (cops called) GONE WRONG
People who finish off Edgy Nerd Realist cavalier-posting with "Welcome To The Jungle Baby" 1000% have parents who own multiple rental properties and probably some commercial properties, run at least one but probably multiple businesses, and have lots of stocks/investments or whatever, and most likely have a literal slave owner somewhere in their ancestry.
*(Or, in rarer cases, the Edgy Nerd Realist is struggling to make ends meet with harebrained app ideas and is deeply in debt but they're gonna hit that jackpot any second now)
The emotional preparation of imperial core residents for eco-fascism is proceeding apace.
don't worry, these assholes are still capable of bourgeois moralizing. guarantee you can find a china bad post in their post history
The "spoilt treat boy posturing as ruthless cynic realist" is an increasingly common type of guy. People can sense how the world is fucked but generations of capitalist propaganda has convinced them that there is no alternative so they end up convincing themselves that the world being fucked is actually fine.
“spoilt treat boy posturing as ruthless cynic realist”
This is like 99% of the r*ddit userbase
There's :le-pol-face: , but there's also :stupidpol: and sometimes :silver-legion: . Oh wait, these are all the same dude in various stages of breaking into
tearsfuck it i'm gonna revive and reclaim the old burst into treats meme, what better time for that than now?
The bright side to the global supply chain collapsing will be that it reveals these people for the helpless suckling piglets they are
Unfortunately that thing about being helpless suckling pigs goes for the rest of us as well. And when the angry treat boys throws a tantrum about not getting their treats any more and goes full fascist, we'll be in their crosshairs.
It's awful, but it also highlights that you can't scold or guilt the majority of imperial-core dwellers into agreeing to give up their privileged socioeconomic positions because "it's the right thing to do."
We'll eventually lose that privileged position anyway as global logistics systems start to unravel.
without the people’s standard of living significantly lowering.
I mean I kind of hope it lowers. Obviously I want better conditions for people, mosty Black and brown and indigenous people, trapped in grinding poverty with shit healthcare, food, housing and services.
But white suburban petty boug or PMC families living in five bed, three bath houses with a yard and a pool all for only 3 or 4 people? Nah, fuck that. Nevermind that kind of living just isn't sustainable in any way, it also changes how you see people and interact with them. It makes you a property owner. It feeds the mentality we see in the idiot from the reddit thread.
Ah yes, every single person in the global south is a religious fanatic, and therefore deserves to die so I can keep buying my treats and trinkets.
These are the same kinds of people who are freaking out because their excessive lifestyle is causing the global supply chain to crumble.
When they eventually run out of people to exploit and they can no longer get their treats, watch them cry and moan as they tear down society in frustration.
I'm sorry Thomas Sankara we have failed you. It turns out there are some people that you cannot explain things too. How does someone's brain get this broken
But now we are at a point where they are all doing the same thing, the only reason we did it was because we were able to. They would have done the same thing to us if given the opportunity. It's not nice and it's not right but it's true.
Cling to silly religion...
Need to pRoGrEsS...
There is nothing more obnoxious than an athiest who has read one or two books an logic and nothing else. Atleast the religious psychos have crazy ass interesting stories going in their favor.
I know these fucks
There’s a 98% chance this chuckle fuck is a “centrist” tech bro that lives in a stupidly tacky apartment in a gentrified part of a city which he proudly claims to be a proud resident of. All the while voting for every single oppressive program against the original poor residents of said city they can and spouting every right wing talking point they can
This person has BLM and Women Who Code stickers on their laptop and is very excited about the Chesa Boudin recall
Definitely - they “support the idea but can’t approve of some of the tactics”.
They also believe that their company’s mission statement at face value and that they’re doing Social Good through their job.
They also say things like “I don’t support Israel but I also think Vietnam draft dodgers should have gone to jail” and other bizarre statements