:frothingfash: :chad-trotsky:

(Just gonna put out there that this is a common myth among neonazis. An Indian Affairs officer coined the term)

Anyway, I’m shocked Mr. Resting-Dipshit-Face’s sub reclined into open fascism.



  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    idk why people are so anti-trot

    Nobody likes associating with a loser, and whatever may be said of Leon Trotsky he went out like a bitch. If Stalin was the guy with an ice-pick in his head, 80 years ago, I imagine we'd be seeing a lot of the memes reversed.

    having such an anti Trotsky opinion seems odd unless you just are an epic stalinist memer doing it as a joke

    Honestly, the fall-out after Lenin's death between two of the leading lights of the first great successful Soviet Revolution fucked the movement hard. And we should look at it as nothing short of a tragedy. People like to shit on the "Great Man of History" theory, but I have to wonder what Russia would look like today if Leon and Joe had patched things up and done a proper Founding Fathers two-step, a la Jefferson and Adams, rather than going at each others' throats.

    If I have a choice between going back in time and killing Hitler, and making sure Stalin and Trotsky are friends, I know which one I'm doing.