“Those shady orientals can’t do Marxism properly, like me, a free and independent thinker who would never fall for bourgeois propaganda.”

  • LeninWeave [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Pictured: why I don't listen to WTYP. Let's roll the dice and see which host will say or agree with some dumb shit about AES this time.

      • LeninWeave [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        but also actually the USSR was worse so we had no choice. I was like damn, this man is barely not a chud.

        lmao :yikes: I bet his trot dad owns him all the time and that's why he's this mad about it.

        "You can either have a society that doesn't work, or you can have a society that does work but is evil like China."

        Absolute extreme chauvinism is when you acknowledge that the non-western country is better, but then say it's worse anyway.

        Ultimately it just feels like that old "Democracy is the worst system of government, except for all the other ones, har har" boomer realism we've all grown up in with a fresh coat of red paint slapped on top.

        The guy who said that was a racist genocidal imperialist, too. :ukkk:

        Yeah, I just skip on any "leftist" podcast people like this participate in. I get exposed to enough social-chauvinist and social-imperialist takes as-is, I don't need to make efforts to find more.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        3 years ago

        I just want to be clear that I think wringing science out of the Nazis then riddling them with bullets and leaving their frozen corpses for the crows is an extremely good idea.

      • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
        3 years ago

        This. I actually like WTYP. Trashfuture was a little confusing for me as an outsider to UK goings ons. I've listened to a few episodes of Lions Led by Donkeys and while there were critiques of the US military I remember feeling a lot of them were coming from a place of "these people are actually trying their best but either they're fuckups or the system isn't set up to allow them to succeed" and not "the US is an inherently evil country and it's military is deeply corrupt and incompetent." And then any mention of the USSR or China seemed to take an extremely bad faith position. But I can't remember now which episodes I listened to, maybe they aren't all that bad.

        Regardless of whether I like a particular show or not, it's impossible to listen and not just think that the hosts are all such libs.

          • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
            3 years ago

            I personally really like Trueanon but I do think it has its flaws. For one thing, it’s first and foremost a conspiracy podcast, so you have to be conspiracy minded to really get into it. And I’m not convinced they vet their sources. The hosts are communists, I think, so they’ll often have good analyses of capitalism and also American culture. But they’re not investigators or journalists. Liz worked in media, I think, and Brace is an undercover CIA agent pretending to be a recovering addict turned YPG soldier turned manual laborer turned union organizer turned podcaster. But that’s the nature of any conspiracy stuff, but I always take things like the Spider Network or some of the crazier details around, say, JFK or 9/11 with a big helping of salt.

            Also sometimes they’ll talk about stuff I just don’t give a shit about. Like celebrity gossip. Or an episode about a rapper/dealer from SF who went to Kansas City and got shot. I listen anyway because eventually they’ll include in their discussion critiques of capital and culture, but it can be a lot of minutia until they get there.