I am well versed in punk shit but what the fuck is this
Edit: googled, appears to be the equivalent of Hot Topic for gen z. It sucks to see the diy aesthetic get bitten off and commodified, but I also feel bad for weird kids in the suburbs who want to be different but are so mind poisoned they think the only way to do it is by buying the right accessories
Well, it is. But these are the WRONG accessories. Embroidered patches? :haram: DIY screen printed patches :halal: . And people, I cannot overstate this, CONE STUDS. Pyramid studs are poser ass shit. Also wear a shoelace as a headband and wear either a bondage or bullet belt or both. Having a line of band patches just straight down the front of your jeans looks dumb and everyone can tell if your crust pants are fake. Wear either combat or engineer boots.
Gatekeeping stops people from folk punk and dressing like literal clowns. It has to be employed at times.
Punk is dead, like, for real this time
Looks like they also have a single out, what the fuck is this shit it's the most low-energy punk vocals I've ever heard
wow that is even worse than i expected. #Punk Rock #liberty #libertarian lmao the tags
Wow, this is awful. Don't worry, punks have no clue who the hell these people are and if they did they'd get the shit kicked out of them.