Leaders Of Kenosha is a collection of four Kenosha women who have the urgency to empower Black American communities

BIPOC Co is working to distribute funds to Kenosha & Madison activists

Previous thread:

All Rittenhouse-related news and shitposts and updates go here in one concentrated heap of toxic waste. Feel free to ignore for sanity.

Report all Rittenhouse-related posts that are outside of this thread so that they may be removed by moderators. Everything goes here.

(If you are out of the loop, that’s okay! Kyle Rittenhouse is a chud kid who is on trial for murdering two protesters and injuring another in Kenosha, Wisconsin in the aftermath of protests over a police shooting that paralyzed Jacob Blake, a black man. There is a lot of news about the case circling around right now because the trial is ongoing.)

(pic of jade cicada is unrelated)

BIG CW for racism, violence, and other chud things

Please comment any resources, mutual aid groups, etc. And ill add.

"May I add to your resource list a really great website:

And also recommend Assata the autobiography by Assata Shakur. Really shows the pigs for what they are."

Yes, we mean literally abolish the police by Mariame Kaba

##Reading Recommendations

Alexander, M - ‘The New Jim Crow’ (2010)

Davis, A - ‘Are Prisons Obsolete’ (2003)

Jackson, G. - ‘Blood in My Eye’ (1972)

Vitale A.S - ‘The End of Policing’ (2017)

##How to Join

Go to

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Click on Enroll in a Course

Enter this code: HAYACA-PVMCJ

Questions you should regularly ask yourself when outraged about injustice:

What resources exist so I can better educate myself?

Who’s already doing work around this injustice?

Do I have the capacity to offer concrete support & help to them?

How can I be constructive?

“In The Spirit of Abolition” - Jailhouse Lawyers Speak Calls For Shut ‘Em Down Demonstrations

“Solidarity Doesn’t Mean Making Statements” - Laura Whitehorn On The Material Practice Of Anti-Racism

Also included are some very good theory recommendations:

    • yeah [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      How so? Seems pretty clear to me that in a fair trial he would.

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        3 years ago

        Im not a legal expert but from what I understand of how this shit is written, a big part of why Rittenhouse got off is he was running away.

        Meanwhile Gaige hadnt seen him kill anyone, just heard it shouted, was part of a group that chased Rittenhouse down down and saw him get attacked while on the ground(testifying that he was in that moment concerned for Rittenhouses life for whatever reason) and then approached even after that, faked surrendering then tried to point his pistol at Rittenhouse again, arguing that he saw Rittenhouse pull the bolt back on his rifle, believing he had fired(apparently unclear if this ever happened, no unfired round was found).

        But overall its apparently really fucky to try and predict something like this since it seems like a lot of the laws are predicated on wether a jury will believe someone was acting in immediate fear of their life, but Gaige seems like he had too much presence of mind and time to fuck around to qualify for that, plus not attempting to retreat. So in a fair trial under the current laws(if you believe that to be possible) its pretty probable he'd not have managed to get off on a self defense defense.

        • yeah [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          The law actually says you don't have to try and retreat, it said so in the jury instructions. But the court can consider if you did. Also, he would be acting in self-defense of others (like jump kick man) more so then himself, so idk if the retreat thing would matter or not. You're probably right that it would really depend on the court and jury.