Only 24 minutes long, it's an avante guarde horror story about a guy who notices a strange tower out of place. They play with visual perception and the question of the real, a very fun and interesting short.

Anyhow my partner liked it so much she's in bed watching it again on her phone while I make is vegan pancakes, and this is mostly just a thank you to this site for having such great taste, I never would have found this film if I didn't hang out on a freak message board with a bunch of cool communists.

So thanks for being cool everyone and sharing your coolness.

  • Phillipkdink [he/him]
    3 years ago

    She just came into the kitchen so inspired, told me her different thoughts and opinions for 15 minutes. She has a well-developed literacy for thinking and talking about art like this and it was so cool to listen to the way she watched it.

    She's been having a tough time lately, so also it's nice that I could show her something that truly excited her. Melted my heart to see her so engaged again.

  • hahafuck [they/them]
    3 years ago

    What a key fucking text for describing what a huge downer British life is. Menaced by the architecture of doom walking around a blasted urban nowhere zone. Alienated from even the very familiar, unable to really understand or be understood by strangers. Everything is fine, do the routine, get the washing done, its alright to be a little scared to go outside but be careful not to think about it too much. John is staying with us at the moment, has been under the weather recently poor thing but he's on the mend. Just seems quiet recently, is all, just needed to get out of the city, it's been nice having him around though he's out walking almost all the time, hasn't said anything about the hospital but I guess it all went well.

  • NarrativeMaterialism [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    That was great. Quite haunting.

    Having had depression for a long time, this speaks to me a lot. The flat, unemotional tone of narration. The loss of time. The constant dark presence, not necessarily a negative one, not aggressive, but always there. Sometimes it goes away and the sky is bright, and then suddenly it's back like an old friend. You learn to live with it, it becomes part of the landscape.

    Thank you for sharing this, as you said I'm glad I hang out on places like these because I would've never seen this otherwise!