A Shitlib pop history youtuber who makes lowbrow “what if” slop and has been recently getting into obnoxious slap fights with random communists and anarchists on Bird-site also has far right fans? Huh

  • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    I probably came off a bit confrontational there, I didn't mean to disparage your hobby, I just have a lot of personal dislike for it and the sort of people who tend to frequent the more...reddit-esque and youtube spaces. People who have no love of history or desire to understand it, but want to pretend they can then imagine "alternate history" in any meaningful way. I think we're complaining about the same people really, I was just too vague and general in my statement.

    • Dolores [love/loves]
      9 months ago

      i've completely fallen off of it actually, i used to dabble but actual research seems to take the same spot in the brain, lol. i just really admired and appreciated like, actually citationed threads on the old forums that legitimately 'did history' but in a casual setting. bit of a rose-tint nostalgia is there too i'm sure.

      for sure the primary way people are interfacing with 'althistory' now though is through these video-interlocutors and they are like, all fascists hitler-detector . i'm talking about a comparatively niche lil thing. it probably was never more significant than Turtledove novels, lol