Curious to hear the range of takes and thoughts. If the response is "well this is a fabrication of the bourgeoisie media" pls link to evidence

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    3 years ago

    "Missing" tennis player.... she's literally been seen at events since she's been alleged to have "disappeared". All she did was stop being active on Twitter, and western media has run with this as a "disappearance" but then never mentions when she's been out at events and whatnot. What evidence do you have that she's missing other than an inactive Twitter account? Because right now it absolutely looks like a fabrication of western media.

    • Mother [any]
      3 years ago

      I imagine after dropping bombshells like that one would want to lay low as well idk

  • Mother [any]
    3 years ago

    I mean the probability of there being sex pests in the CPC is 100%. Is Peng Shuai in fact missing?

    Anyway it’s fucked up/an intriguing story, but to try to spin it into some sort of broader condemnation of China definitely feels like throwing stones from a glass house. Epstein had a portrait of Bill Clinton ffs

  • JackalopeEnthusiast [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Either China is so concerned about the reputation of an old retired party member who had an affair, that they kidnapped a celebrity and is forcing her to make public appearances at the threat of her and her family's safety.

    Or Peng is dealing with a terrible mix of heartbreak and regret, made a big emotional post about her affair, deleted it, and decided to lay off the social media for a bit.

    One of those probably.

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The fact that the western discourse around the subject is centered on "economic liberalization" and "human rights" sets off alarm bells too. It's especially funny considering that this happened around the same time as the Ghislaine trial is about to start. Which isn't about affairs, but is about actual child rape.

  • HodgePodge [love/loves]
    3 years ago

    Any information you'll get in the west is likely bullshit or mistranslated. At this point I don't trust any bourgeoisie media.