englesintheoutfield [they/them]

  • 12 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2020

  • they already are throwing us to the dogs. this poster (I think) is saying that even though corporations have nothing substantial to offer lgbt people, the fact that they saw queer people as a target market was some level of utterly unfaithful support, but the fact that even that is dissolved is extremely worrying . we hate corporations, but i also hate that I have to think about how clockable I am so I can judge how much danger I could be in outside of a very small set of queer friendly establishments which are now regularly targeted by chuds anyways. I get so exhausted when people talk only in abstract theory terms when we just don't want to potentially get our heads bashed in at the grocery store. corporations giving up fake solidarity is a signpost that even the people who only served to make money off of you don't see that value anymore.

  • good in all the things that are within my control. a year into transition I'm really feeling more confident and self-assured than I ever have and more of a willingness to actually take care of myself then I've ever had.

    but in terms of things I can't control... my very conservative brainwormed in-laws were at first okay with my transition (probably because I'm NB/transfemme so can still boymode around them), but one of their relatives asked them about my wife having they/them in her instragram bio and they freaked and now think I am forcing Gender Ideology on my wife, that we shouldn't have kids while I'm "figuring things out" (which, like, I wasn't planning on it, but they've been forcing the idea of kids down our throats for years so suddenly this has been the one thing that made them reconsider), and now my MIL is starting to tell other family members - without consulting me on whether I want her to tell anyone or not, how I would phrase that, if that's a conversation I should be having, and what the point of telling them is in the first place considering I boymode around family... so like what's the difference anyways other than I have better skin, longer hair, and a more bulgy chest? I just want to yell at them to be normal but they read shit like the Epoch Times so I'm worried they are past the point of reasoning with, and we might just have to cut them off entirely one day.

    but everything else outside of that rules so I'm happy that the bad shit in my life isn't my shit at least

  • Oh yeah, Miyazaki was a union leader and nearly all of his movies have some combination of pro-environmentalist, anti-fascist, anti-capitaism, and pro-feminist themes. Obvi these are toned down in the movies explicitly aimed at kids but Nausicaa, Princess Mononoke, Porco Rosso, and The Wind Rises are all classics and are more explicit about the above themes

  • i stopped at "now in scotland you can just identify as whatever you want." this is where a lifetime of being a contrarian as the base of your analysis with the dumbest veneer of lacanian gibberish gets you sniff

    the sad part is there are still a lot of his old works I agree with. honestly thinking about ideaology in a lot of ways prepared for me realizing i was trans

    ah well, to the dustbin you go

    i still wanna go to slovenia tho

  • there were probably 200 - 250 protestors, a lot of them friends of tortugita who talked about how they were a beautiful person and a model emergency medic. people smashed the windows of a wells fargo, a very fancy hotel, and a cop car that was torched. and it was on atlanta's biggest tourist street, like this was happening across from a hooters and a hard rock cafe. a few people were arrested. i saw a line of maybe 20-25 cop cars driving to the protest, and helicopters over head. a few tourists asked about what the protest was about, seemed genuinely interested and horrified about cop city

    and some black israelites trolled me on the way out.

    though i really wish people wouldnt bring fireworks to shoot off, terrifying hearing that when idf trained cops are coming in with all the weapons taxpayers can buy

  • Where in Japan are you going? I would say staying around the Yamanote line in Tokyo is a must, like im Shibuya or Shinjuku. Checking out the mrighborhoods around there is super fun. Wander at night around Golden Gai. Just wander and get lost in general. Some of the hip neighborhoods are fun like Shimokita or Koenji. Take a day trip to Kamakura and/or Yokohama. Drink some sake and wander around the arcades and discount stores.

    Kyoto is incredible and beautiful and all the rest.

    Osaka is just as dense and interesting as Tokyo with incredible food and an overall chiller vibe.

    Go to temples! Stay in a Ryokan if you can. Mt. Koya is a magical place to stay if you enjoy nature and buddhism.

    Nara is beautiful and has amazing history and watching the deer terrorize people for biscuits is great fun.

    Hiroshima is beautiful and so peaceful and I think visiting the atom bomb museum and peace park there should be a must for every american.

    Have fun!