Exactly, all of these people know each other. Trump "exposed the deep state" because he's a gossip queen blabbermouth who loves to talk shit and spread little rumors about people who've slighted him (i.e. all his rich peers sick of his oafishness).
Mike Rothschild https://twitter.com/rothschildmd/status/1466562723236311040?s=20 says it seems legit, and he's a legit journalist that covers Q(been on QAA also) with a good track record
Yea, he also says it came from "Terpischore Maras Lindeman" who is a "stolen election crank who claims she's a time traveler"
So I'm going to doubt his judgement.
I legitimately believe Q anon is a :cia: op to discredit actual conspiracies and discredit more plausible shit like 9/11 and JFK
Whether the email is fake or not, that doesn't seem shocking at all.
Would a letter of recommendation from hunter help get you in at Georgetown?