My buddy chose to be against all adoption as a bit and when pressed on what to do with kids that couldn't be adopted he just said "the kids will figure it out"
Tldr: debate class is bad and should be abolished
Woo! Formalized Debate: teaching your child how to be a contrarian ass with no ethical commitments
Is Drbate class just an extremely anglo convept or why have I never heard of it IRL?
Edit: Yeah, looked at the Wiki entry, and it barely exists outside the anglosphere. And does not exist at schools at all, only universities. Though Debateclubs bizarrely do not have an english Wikipedia page.
My bad. It was technically an English class, but the whole class was debate shit This was like middle school iirc
Nothing to apologize for, it was more for my personal curiosity since i never encountered it IRL. This site is majority anglo anyway, I think.
I've never been in a debate club but I did have a science class that made us argue over GMO's in the US. I recall the combination of "Other nations have been using it for decades" and "Literally any negative side effect popping up in 40 years is better than starving to death now" shut down the anti side really hard.
We need Trotsky to invent another word like racism to end all debate once and for all
Is your friend a New York newsie around the turn of the century?
No he was pretty funny. He said he probably wouldnt adopt if he ever decided to have a kid and then decided to convince everyone else that they shouldn't either. He had like a one slide presentation that was just his title and nothing else
TIme for me to post my own cringe - when I was in like seventh grade I was on academic probation for not doing homework but I argued with the principal until he got tired of listening to me and granted me an exception to join the debate team. Then when we got to the regional tournament I got our first opponents disqualified when I made a big deal out of a survey they presented that they had done themselves because it lacked any scientific rigor considering it was done by 7th graders which accidentally baited one of the moderators into defending it and it turned out she was the opposing team's teacher. We still came in like fourth because we sucked at actually debating, though, and I quit and never did it again.
The scoring system is so terrible, its pretty subjective and you can have a contestant's parents as a judge
A person in one of my sophomore classes suggested that we literally genocide the middle east in the middle of class
My class once did a debate for some reason I can't remember why, and one of the only topics I can remember was about abortion. Only like 5 of the class were against it and most used religion but I think we turned one of them when someone said that there are to many orphans already who are left there till they turn 18. I can't remember if that last part happened or just some wierd thing from my jokerfied mind.
Anyways I say this to show you all that communism has indeed infiltrated schools.