• emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Adams’s house is a shrine to the cartoon character that made him rich. One section, visible from the pool area outside, clearly resembles Dilbert’s head, with two oval windows for eyes, connected by a thin line that suggests spectacles. “They look out from the cat’s bathroom upstairs,” Adams told me. The structure is full of indulgent quirks. In the kitchen, Adams installed three microwaves so he “can make a lot of popcorn at once.” Nearby, he transformed a bar area (Adams doesn’t drink) into a display case for Dilbert books and paraphernalia. Other features include a 10-seat movie theater, a gym, and a room filled with beauty salon equipment, where his ex-wife (now Adams’s personal assistant) used to host spa days for friends. Off to the back is an indoor tennis court.


    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Ok lets break it down:

      • His house is an ego masturbatory

      • He does have three microwaves

      • He cooks popcorn in the microwave

      • His ex wife is now his assistant WTF?

      • He's a Trump supporter despite spending his life pointing out shit that happens in this world. I thought the comic was fine enough for the guy to be a lib at least.