Edit: Oh piss, I didn't even click on this shit and I'm already getting more stuff recommended from this douche
Edit: Oh piss, I didn't even click on this shit and I'm already getting more stuff recommended from this douche
Algorithm is so bad/weighted toward right wing trash.
I have a friend who is a garden variety lib, maybe slightly Bernie leaning? Consistently gets new age to fash pipeline YouTube ads. Supplements, ladies in "exotic" jewelry showing off high end jigsaw puzzles, concealable gun holsters, mindfulness shit.
YouTube is convinced that this dude is an esoteric fascist.
American YT ads must be just a lawless wasteland, over here they're mostly the same shit you'd see on TV.
Actually that doesn't help because as I understand, American TV ads are also a lawless wasteland
Words cannot express the gratitude I have for the guys who make adblockers
American TV ads literally include advertisements for prescription drugs.
The worst ad I've seen on Finnish TV recently was some big budget one with Matt Damon telling you to invest in crypto while there were astronauts and explorers behind him implying buying monopoly money makes you a brave pioneer
Otherwise, the worst ads are the ones for quick loan services
Lmao on that Matt Damon ad
It wasn't a Finnish one so its out there lurking in the wider world
Lmao. I need to see it now!
ten million views BAYBEEEEE
This crypto company is also sponsoring F1 shit lmao.
Literal pyramid scheme funded by billionaires
Oh yeah, seen that one here as well.
idk how but my YT ads are wild. Poorly acted mobile game ads mixed with stuff marketed toward "manly men" and occasionally an ad for a channel preaching that the Bible was made up by the devil, but God is very much real and about to start judgement day so you need to Give Them Money Now by buying their merch to get into heaven.
my twitter ads are less wild, but for some reason the algo thinks I'm the kind of person who would be buying a fighter jet for the Canadian military or purchasing technology for more efficient but just as destructive oil and mineral extraction.
the fact that my targeted ads on nearly every platform are way off base and inaccurate as hell gives me a tiny bit of comfort
Real Thule Society hours.