• axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    No, I meant praise. The MGS games are not the best at succinctly delivering their point, plus they often present conflicting ideological stances. If someone had a sufficiently conservative swiss cheese brain it wouldn't be difficult to read MGS as a patriotic, pro-America game series about masculine true American soldiers struggling against the nefarious deep state. I'm pretty sure a bunch of nerds already have that kind of interpretation. I'd say MGS3 very clearly outlines America as the good guys of the Cold War for instance.

    Granted a lot of the pro-America jingoism in the series is probably an artifact of the games being based around silly 80s action movies.

    And yes, the treatment of women in the series is one of the goofier aspects. Nearly every female character is treated as a sexual object. Probably another artifact.

    Edit: By "this website" I meant the one linked by OP, not hexbear. Y'all are cool and smart and know what's up.