• Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Oh no, please don't boycott all these capitalist ventures to own us leftoids, please nooooo

  • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
    3 years ago

    ……. . . :yea:

    Tinder / OKCupid- Does not offer race-based filters. News alert: It's not 'racist' to have racial dating preferences.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    3 years ago

    "Bank with aPoLiTiCaL regional or local banks or credit unions! No woke tweets!"

    It's quite a tell when these :le-pol-face: are still hammering the "I am nonpolitical and all my political opinions and desires to destroy people that scare me are nonpolitical!" Ideology button. :zizek:

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Land O’Lakes - Withdrew its financial contributions to conservative Steve King (R).

    It will always be the funniest thing in the world that chuds got mouthfoam furious at a stick of butter

  • crime [she/her, any]
    3 years ago

    Own the left by boycotting [checks notes] Amazon, NextDoor, and Reddit

  • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Merck - Donald Trump has specifically called for a boycott of this obnoxious left-wing company! Merck's CEO Ken Frazier is a never-Trumper. Frazier quit President Donald Trump’s council of manufacturing, based on the Charlottesville lie, falsely accusing Trump of "intolerance and extremism". In response Trump Tweeted "Now that Ken Frazier of Merck Pharma has resigned from President’s Manufacturing Council, he will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!" Merck affiliates donated 5.5 times more money to Biden than to Trump. Committed to OneTen, AKA hire based on race over merit

    Shit folks, where are we gonna get our ivermectin?

  • Donut
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      One of the main thesis statements of the MGS games is America fights little tiny proxy wars all over the world to finance a small group of secret weirdos who want to turn themselves into AI constructs because they've gone mad with a lust for power and money. The main character of MGS2 was a child soldier in the Liberian civil war and trained by a future president. MGS4 is about how warfare has become so efficiently operated it doesn't even need human input any longer, it's all an algorithm to make money.

      MGSV is the only one I remember that gets into race, but only mentions it directly a few times. Like when Ocelot mentions how it's easier for the Russian Soviet soldiers to shoot Afghans than the previously deployed central Asian Soviet soldiers, because it's easier to shoot someone of a different race. There's also the South African PMCs torturing and kidnapping people. Also African child soldiers. Also the entire motivation of the villain being a loss of cultural identity because of constant warfare.

      Granted the Metal Gear games simultaneously worship America and demonize it, which is an artifact of them being made by a team of Japanese developers who based their understanding of America on Kurt Russel action movies.

      The ideology of those games is so oddly incoherent sometimes I'm surprised this website doesn't instead praise them for upholding conservative values.

        • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          No, I meant praise. The MGS games are not the best at succinctly delivering their point, plus they often present conflicting ideological stances. If someone had a sufficiently conservative swiss cheese brain it wouldn't be difficult to read MGS as a patriotic, pro-America game series about masculine true American soldiers struggling against the nefarious deep state. I'm pretty sure a bunch of nerds already have that kind of interpretation. I'd say MGS3 very clearly outlines America as the good guys of the Cold War for instance.

          Granted a lot of the pro-America jingoism in the series is probably an artifact of the games being based around silly 80s action movies.

          And yes, the treatment of women in the series is one of the goofier aspects. Nearly every female character is treated as a sexual object. Probably another artifact.

          Edit: By "this website" I meant the one linked by OP, not hexbear. Y'all are cool and smart and know what's up.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Headquartered in the far-left-wing city of Washington DC. Boycott this woke democrat company!

    This is all the reason they give for boycotting someone

  • Mizokon [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    F-Droid - Open source grifters who favor censorship. Banned Gab.


    Mozilla (Firefox) - (see our detailed review of Mozilla) - A very dangerous company. Anti-Trump, anti-free speech, tribalism, etc. Switch to the Brave browser to protect yourself from censorship.

    Glory to Socialist Mozilla!

    NewEgg.com - Do NOT support this company. We are told that NewEgg drop ships some merchandise via Amazon.com. We don't do business with Amazon.com under any circumstances! NewEgg is reportedly owned by the Chinese company, Hangzhao Liaison Interactive Information Technology Co., Ltd.


    Freedom Phone - Freedom Phone is way overpriced and has too many questions. Instead consider a Google-free smartphone or the Linux-based Pinephone.

    Lmao they had Freedom Phone on the site as "Good Companies" before.

    This is like 90% of the large corps, good luck with "boycott" lmao.

      • cybernetsoc [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I think it is getting easy enough with Ubuntu that it wouldn't be much of a struggle. I used to have a lot of family drama around this. Every time my uncle came back to the grandparents for Christmas he would have to fix their computers, which involved huge amount of virus, toolbar, and bloat removal. He got fed up with spending several days of his Christmas vacation on this and just installed Ubuntu 10.04 since most of what they were doing was just emails and web browsing. There was a lot of struggle at first, and windows was reinstalled. But tried a few years later it stuck and there wasn't much issue after that. Though, I think he still had to do some tech support here or there.

        • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I feel like it'd be easier with older people. Grandparents aren't going to try to fuck with settings unless spam/popups put it in their face. Boomers would try to fix whatever irritates them and just make it worse.

      • cybernetsoc [he/him]
        3 years ago

        "I was worried about this Ubuntu, because it is a very ethnic name. But I just found out it was made by a white South African millionaire, so can't be that bad."

    • CoconutOctopus [it/its]
      3 years ago

      The even more brainworm thing is that they're pushing Brave, which is run by right-wing crypto grifter Brendan Eich, who got fired from Mozilla for bankrolling the anti-gay-marriage ballot measure in California years ago. He's also the creator of JavaScript, so there's literally nothing about him that's not contemptible.

      F-Droid is "okay". They blocked the Gab app, but allow Mastodon clients that don't block Gab.

  • dom [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Searches "race"

    141 entries
