Hostel, Turistas: The would outside America is a depraved hellhole full of sadistic criminals

The Green Inferno, The Ruins: Indigenous people are unreasoning bloodthirsty savages

The Wicker Man*, Midsommar: Pagan religions are barbaric cults of human sacrifice (this one has been used to justify imperialist wars as far back as ancient Rome)

Drag Me To Hell: It's about a literal fucking gypsy curse

*The original. The remake is reactionary for its cartoonish misogyny

  • Dear_Occupant [he/him]
    4 years ago

    In The Stand, there's two times when black characters come up. Mother Abigail, who is an arch-typical example of the "magical negro," trope, and a group of black revolutionaries who take over a TV station and turn the final broadcast before the lights go out into a game show where they execute people for being white. Once you know to look for it, you start to see that this is a common feature of all of his work.